Home Skills Freestyle Move: Back Pan Am

Freestyle Move: Back Pan Am

Photos: John Rathwell
Back Pan Am

The back pan am is essentially a tricky back blunt, where your boat goes inverted during the rotation.

1. Find a nice, big wave and set up backwards at the top. The easiest way to do this is to move to the top of the wave in a front surf, then spin 180 degrees.

2. Shoot stern-first down the face—a back stroke on the right will help you get enough speed to bounce.

3. Bounce on the green water and load your bow by staying forward and stomping hard on your feet. At the same time, turn your head and look over your right shoulder. This winds up your body for the rotation.

4. Pull the boat over top of you by throwing your body back and pulling your knees toward your chest. Unwinding your body during this step helps pull the boat over your shoulders and begin its rotation. Take 
a powerful forward stroke by your left foot at the same time to assist a quick rotation.

5. Land on your stern and immediately take a forward recovery stroke with your right blade. The sooner you pull the recovery, the better. Sit forward and maintain a controlled front surf.

Having trouble? It’s super critical to unwind your body through the trick. Start cranked up to the right to throw, un-crank during the middle of the trick and, as you land, crank to the left to get a powerful recovery stroke.


This article originally appeared in Rapid, Early Summer 2011. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.



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