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11 Reasons to Kayak Now

Photo: Ontario Tourism
11 Reasons to Kayak Now

Just in case you’re looking for the perfect excuse to go paddling, here are some irrefutable arguments to suit any occasion.

  1. Paddling makes you healthier. With obesity levels and related illnesses on the rise in North America, getting out in your boat is clearly an essential part of a healthy active lifestyle.
  2. Paddling increases productivity. Ample evidence suggests that a brief nap at work increases productivity – but imagine how much more productive you’ll be after a quick lunchtime spin on the water. With more employers supporting gym memberships and active meetings, kayaking is a logical progression.
  3. Kayaking keeps you sane. No matter how crazy your day, spending time on the water helps reduce stress levels. The simple act of gliding across the water can be the perfect meditation to find inner peace.
  4. Build community. In a time where many aspects of society seem to foster isolation, paddling connects us with people. Whether chatting with a curious spectator on the beach, philosophizing with old friends or meeting new people, paddling has countless opportunities to make meaningful connections.
  5. Paddling promotes connection with nature. Author Richard Louv speaks of rampant ‘nature deficit’ in contemporary life. By getting connected with nature, paddlers are also more likely to care about protecting the environment.
  6. Keep your friends out of trouble. Who knows what your paddling buddies might get up to without you?! Your wise judgment and risk management skills are imperative to prevent further YouTube disasters.
  7. Escapism. No explanation needed.
  8. Keep an eye on things. Wondering what’s going on with that condo development by the waterfront? Curious about local yacht traffic? That new osprey nest? Kayaking gives us a unique perspective on what’s happening in the neighbourhood.
  9. Keep your gear in good working order. With all the time, effort and money we put into acquiring just the right paddling kit, it’d be a waste not to use it, right?
  10. Your boat feels lonely. If in doubt, anthropomorphise! That’s right, your boat feels really lonely because you haven’t taken it out in days, and it really needs some love.
  11. New perspectives. Kayaking can let us see familiar places from a completely new perspective. Beyond getting to know new and familiar places, paddling can also give us deeper insight into ourselves and others.



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