Home Stories News & Events Celebrate National Canoe Day on June 26th with The Canadian Canoe Museum

Celebrate National Canoe Day on June 26th with The Canadian Canoe Museum

Every June 26th, The Canadian Canoe Museums celebrates its favourite holiday of the year – National Canoe Day.
June 26th was coined National Canoe Day by The Canadian Canoe Museum following a CBC campaign that, in 2007, declared the canoe one of the Seven Wonders of Canada. Ever since, and in many ways – from proclamations to paddling parties – Canadians have connected and shared their affinity for canoes. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, National Canoe Day has also been celebrated virtually.
This will be The Canadian Canoe Museum’s final National Canoe Day celebration at its current location before the museum embarks on its final “portage” to the water’s edge, where it will make its new home. For the past two years, the CCM has enjoyed expanding its celebrations online during the pandemic, allowing more paddlers to join in and connect over their passion for canoes (and the occasional kayak here and there). This year, The Canadian Canoe Museum will be celebrating virtually and in person at the Museum so that those near and far can participate.

Join the online National Canoe Day celebrations from anywhere in the world

Portaging can be one of the most challenging parts of a canoe trip – and the CCM is about to embark on a long, final “portage” as staff prepare to move more than 600+ canoes and kayaks (and even more small artifacts) to the new museum. To help with this “big lift,” you are invited to join the CCM on a virtual portage.
Share a picture (new or old) of you portaging your canoe with the hashtag #PortagePic on June 26th and tag The Canadian Canoe Museum on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram (@cndncanoemuseum). The museum wants to hear your best (and worst!) portaging stories. CCM staff will be liking, commenting, and sharing on social media throughout the day, along with a few special guests.

Free Admission To The Canadian Canoe Museum

On June 26th, admission to The Canadian Canoe Museum will be free. The Museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This is a perfect opportunity to visit for the first time or once more before the museum closes on Labour Day in preparation for its move. Visitors can also participate in sharing their own #PortagePic by taking a photo at the portage photo booth in the front lobby.



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