Home Stories Torryd—The Next Big Thing In Whitewater Filmmaking

Torryd—The Next Big Thing In Whitewater Filmmaking

Via Torryd
The black and white logo for whitewater filmmakers and paddlers Torryd

Once Rapid saw Torryd’s “Best Beatings” edit, we knew we had to find out a bit more about the whitewater filmmaking crew. Torryd was begun by Trent McCrerey and Knox Hammack with the purpose of creating high quality kayaking content. Along the way the crew grew to include paddlers Edward Muggridge, Evan Moore, Sofi Reinoso, Andrew Oxley, David Silk, Andrew Morrisey, Jeremy Norbury, Alec Voorhees, Liam Field and Liam Fournier.

Trent, Knox and Edward all met through kayaking high school World Class Academy, and bonded over a shared stoke for kayaking that has now taken them to some of the world’s best rivers. Everyone involved works collaboratively on content, and their series of Xenogenesis videos have racked up thousands of views on Vimeo. Here’s what you need to know about Torryd.

What came first—a love for kayaking or a love for filmmaking?

Kayaking for sure. I didn’t even own a DSLR until last year when I thought I might use it on some trips or something like that. It is always cool to be able to go back and look at the good times.—Trent

A love for watching kayak videos preceded my love for kayaking. Watching Bombflow and Substantial Episodes while I was learning to paddle drove me to get better so I could go to the places those guys went to. After I graduated from World Class, I got my first camera that wasn’t a GoPro and decided to start filming on my kayak trips.—Knox















Torryd- Xenogenesis from Torryd on Vimeo.

Is Torryd a full-time gig for each member or are there side gigs as well? 

Everyone has their own thing to do. Everyone goes to school except for me so they are all busy most of the time. Many of us have sponsorships to take care of as well. We all just put in as much work as we can. Some aren’t able to put in as much time as others but we all have a pretty good system to keep stuff running smoothly. Special shout out to Trent for always putting in the biggest effort towards making Torryd what we want it to be.—Edward

I work construction on and off throughout the year, as well as other odd jobs while also studying as a full time business student at Montana State University. I also ski in the IFSA Collegiate Big Mountain tour in the winter.—Trent

I am currently enrolled as a full time psych student at Pennsylvania State University. I have gotten lucky and sold some of my past pictures and videos to make some extra money. During the summer I also teach kayaking in Confluence, Pennsylvania, for Riversport School of paddling, or in Trout Lake, Washington, for Cascadia.—Knox

What does kayaking add to each of your lives? 

Mostly happiness and purpose. Right now it is my life. I honestly couldn’t say where I would be or what I would be doing without it.—Edward  

Exploration, fun, friendship, trust, challenges, problem solving, endless stoke—basically everything.—Trent

Kayaking takes me to amazing places, I end up meeting amazing new people, and I have a ton of fun challenging myself on rapids and waterfalls.—Knox

Where is the coolest place you have kayaked together? 

Ashlu Box Canyon, British Columbia . One of the sickest rivers in the world.—Edward

Every place I have been has something different and special about it that makes it cool in it’s own sense. For me, I think Mexico might take the cake just becuase of how different it is compared to everything I am used to. Thick jungle, big clean drops, cheap tequila.— Trent

If funds were no object, where would each of you want to paddle in 2017 and why?

I think I would probably do what I’m planning to do already. Maybe throw a small Norway or Iceland trip in early summer. As of right now the plan is finish up in Chile, then move on to the Pacific Northwest, California, British Columbia and probably end up in Chile again at the end of the year. Epic snowpack on the west coast will hopefully make for one of the best seasons we’ve seen since I began paddling. Maybe the best. I feel like I want to explore these places and progress as much as I can before moving to new locations. For me it is all I want and need at the moment.—Edward 


The Carndogs: Best Beatings from Torryd on Vimeo.

What’s the weirdest thing that has happened on one of your paddling trips?

I almost got kidnapped twice in the same day when I was in Chiapas, Mexico. We were told we could lap the double drop section on river left where the Zapatistas were, I guess we didn’t have permission because a couple guys came up to us with machetes and talked to us for a long time.

Luckily Sofi Reinoso talked the Zapatistas out of kidnapping us and we decided it was time to head back to the hostel so we paddled back over to river right.

Right when we got out of our boats, another group of people came up to us holding machetes. I don’t speak Spanish but I got the impression they wanted to kidnap us because they saw us talking to the Zapatistas and thought that we were friends with them. Again, Sofi Reinoso came through and they let us go. After that we got permission from the Zapatistas to use their land and every time we lapped that section people carried our boats for us.—Knox

We loved your best beatings edit. What are the best beatings each of you have had this year?

My best beating of 2016 took place on the Golden Gate section of the American river in California. The first rapid is called Initiation, and at the bottom there lies a big riverwide hole. As I came around the corner, I was just in time to see the first person in our group swimming out of it. I paddled hard at the hole but not hard enough. I found myself stuck in the very first hole of the river getting beat down. Luckily Trent and Jeremy were able to boof over and around me so they didn’t join my surf session. Eventually I flushed out of the hole shaken and nervous for the rest of the run.—Knox

The day before the LW race, The Jerm and I tried to hit Wishbone, a 15-foot waterfall, at the same time. The overall goal was for him to boof over on the left, and I would run the middle and just go super deep and he would skip out before me. I actually ended up resurfacing right as Jerm stomped right into my chest and face. I was pretty rocked after that and ended up having to miss the race and set safety instead. Major beatering.—Trent


Torryd- Xenogenesis III from Torryd on Vimeo.

What is your ideal future for Torryd? 

All of us pushing 50, getting loose, and still running shit together. We will see where we actually manage to take things but I just want to enjoy every minute of it. Right now, I believe the possibilities are endless, it just depends on what we do to make it all work.—Edward

We would love to get more exposure and make whitewater kayaking more of a known sport for people who don’t practice it. I find that when I tell people I kayak they think I only paddle on lakes and such. As long as we all get to keep kayaking in amazing places and having fun I am pretty happy.—Knox



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