Yukon River Quest Results

The 16th annual Yukon River Quest was memorable for its rocky start with all teams battling breakers that blew up from the south as they were getting on Lake Laberge. But after persevering through those very tough conditions (including some dramatic rescues), most teams carried on and had good weather all the way to Dawson City.

The river was lower than usual, resulting in slower times overall. First team in was the British tandem kayak Two Numbnuts paddled by Shaun Thrower and Steve King in 45 hours, 30 minutes, 32 seconds, followed by solo kayaker Dave Hutchinson of the United States in 46:25:52, the Yukon voyageur team Ts’alvit (Gwich’in for Arctic Loon) in 48:43:26, and the top tandem canoe Puha no Huanie (Esteva Phillippe from French Polynesia and Esteva Nicholas from France) in 49:54:10. They were the only teams to break the 50 hour barrier this year.

Overall, 48 teams finished of the 66 that were registered. There were 18 scratches. See complete results here


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