Revenge of the Birds


“What is that sound? I must know.” 

“What sound?”

“That ‘hoo hoo’ sound like someone hyperventilating over the neck of a pop bottle.”

“That’s the cry of the bird that goes ‘hoo-hoo,” jokes Dave. It was two summers ago and we were halfway through an 80-day canoe trip. Dave wasn’t sharing my ornithological curiosity. “Hey, what do you want to have for dinner tonight?”

That mysterious cry from deep in the boreal forest haunted me night after night, but I could never figure out what it was, Dave and I laughed about it—one of those silly trip jokes—but hearing the sound made me uneasy.

The unseen bird reminded me over and over again what a stupid city slicker I really was—a lover of the outdoors, sure, but one who couldn’t tell the difference between a warbler and a woodpecker.  


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A former editor of Adventure Kayak magazine, Tim Shuff lives on Lake Ontario’s north shore and is an avid paddleboard racer. As a magazine editor turned firefighter, Tim remains a regular contributor to Paddling Magazine. When he’s not rushing into burning buildings or saving kittens from trees, he draws inspiration from paddleboarding, canoeing and kayaking the waters near his home.


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