Canoeing’s Greatest Misadventures

Splattered Sputnik

Arctic ecologist Christopher Norment and five partners expected to leave behind the more alienating aspects of modern technology when they set out in 1977 on a two-year canoe trip from the Yukon to Hudson Bay. They were wintering along the Thelon River when their romantic notions came crashing down to earth along with the wreckage of the Cosmos 954 nuclear satellite. With the fiery debris smoking at the nearby crash site, the group experienced a rude re-entry into civilization when military types dressed like storm troopers swooped down in helicopters and hustled them off to Edmonton where they were incarcerated and tested for radiation poisoning.


Coles Notes coming soon

In 1903, two writer from New York set on a trip that would lead to enough suffering, betrayal, rivalry and romance to fill a book store…


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Kevin Callan is the author of 16 books, including the bestselling, The Happy Camper and Wilderness Pleasures: A Practical Guide to Camping Bliss. He is still presenting across North America and has been a key speaker at all major canoe events. Butt End first appeared in Canoeroots magazine 16 years ago. Kevin lives in Peterborough, Ontario.


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