Navigating The Rising Costs Of Wilderness Rescue
Nearly a quarter of a century has passed since I first apprenticed as a sea kayak instructor with Bruce...
Rock the Boat
Virgin Territory? Why Wilderness Kayaking Is Nonsense
Forget wilderness. It doesn’t exist, and it never did.
That phrase popped into my head while on the phone with...
Rock the Boat
Summer Bummer: What The Season’s New Normal Means For...
Between May and September, I live in the sweetest place in the world. That’s when the Aleutian Low system...
Rock the Boat
Does 10,000 Hours Really Equal Good Risk Management?
Those with a lot of training and experience outdoors like to think we know what we’re doing when making...
The Problem With Explorers Today
I’ve got a bone to pick and a paddle to break. Over the years, I have read well over...
Rock the Boat
Navigating A Love-Hate Relationship With Emergency Communications Technology
Each spring, I realize how fast time scrolls by when an outfitter friend recruits me to instruct his sea...