If you are a paddler, there is a good chance you also enjoy taking the odd photo. Even if you aren’t an expert photographer, there are simple tricks you can learn to take better photos. Here is our collection of the best photography tips from paddlers. We figure if you learn to take better paddling photos, Paddling Magazine can start paying you for them.
1. The Best Camera Gear For Wildlife Photography
If you are lucky enough, you might just come accross some wildlife while you are on your paddle. Whether that includes moose, deer, birds, fish, beavers, snails or anything else you could think of capturing, you want to make sure you have the right gear. Here is the kit that photographer Ben Eby likes to use [ Ben Eby’s Wildlife Photography Kit ].
2. The Best Drone Kit For Paddlers
Now that drones are coming down in price and more consumers can get their hands on one, why not add one to your gear bag to get some new angles. While this is a great way to get creative, don’t get too carried away with too many drone shots. [ Tips To Elevate Your Drone Kit ].
3. Photographing Sunsets And Using Backlighting
Sunset and sunrise provide two of the best times to take photos, but they are also two of the most difficult times to get the right settings on your camera. Cameras are getting better and better these days but knowing a few simple tricks will help you take the best photos possible during these beautiful times. Pro tip: if you get better at shooting sunsets, you spend less time taking photos and more time enjoying them and living in the moment. [ Tips For Photographing Sunsets and Using Backlighting ].
4. How The Best Paddling Photos Are Taken
Learning from others is a great way to expedite the learning curve. Every photographer has their tips and tricks that they have either learned from lots of practice or from other photographers. Many photographers will share what settings they use and tricks for getting the best shots possible. [ Crazy Paddling Photography And How They Were Taken ].
5. How Action Cameras Have Changed The Game
The camera market is getting crazy good. There are so many options giving paddlers endless opportunities to get the shot they want. GoPros are waterproof, drones can chase you down a river better than a helicopter ever could and 360° video is opening up a whole new world of possibilities. Time for you to get the best shots yet. [ How Action Cameras Have Changed The Way We Paddle ].
6. Camera Gear You Want To Splurge On

Camera gear isn’t cheap, so it is important to know what you are looking for. With so many different options out there, how does one decide what is the most important gear to get? Let us get you started here. [ Camera Gear Paddlers Should Splurge On ].
7. Learn To Change The Memory Card Often
Memory cards can be more important than the camera itself. Well, kind of. The size of memory cards keeps climbing and while that can be helpful in some circumstances, it isn’t always ideal to have all your photos on one card. Learn this lesson now before it’s too late. [ A Paddling Photographers Nightmare ].