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Vibram Fivefingers KSO Review

Photo: vibramfivefingers.com
Vibram Fivefingers

This review of Vibram Fivefingers KSO was originally published in Rapid magazine.

“Hey dude, those are great shoes!” This isn’t a comment often traded by bootie- and sandal-wearing river tribes, but it’s one you’ll start hearing frequently after you’ve wriggled your toes (literally) into a pair of FiveFingers. Designed to allow you to move with barefoot agility, and featuring the sure grip of rubber soles, FiveFingers stretch and strengthen the muscles in your feet and lower legs, improving balance and posture. Playboaters will love how the feather-light, form-fit squeezes into cramped freestyle kayaks while still offering some portage protection. The KSO (Keep Stuff Out) style we tested features a quick-drying, breathable nylon and mesh upper perfect for warm weather paddling. Cold-water boaters should check out the neoprene FiveFingers Flow.

www.vibramfivefingers.com | $85

This article originally appeared in Rapid magazine, Summer/Fall, 2010. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.



Flushed: Rhyme of the River Rogue

Photo: Robert Faubert
Whitewater rafting with the Rapid team.

This article originally appeared in Rapid magazine. 


Who works and plays on the river

Lives to see it froth and foam,

Its surface all shine and shiver

Who calls whitewater home?


The river-in-her-veins, sunshine-or-rain whitewater raft guide


Who has hands like a vice

With fingers clever and strong,

Who is ready to pay the price

If ever he does something wrong?


The brawny, tawny whitewater raft guide


Who can spot an effortless route

With just a sidelong glance,

Through a narrow, rocky chute

Where most wouldn’t stand a chance?


The hawk-eyed, sharp-spied whitewater raft guide


Who cares not for the almighty buck

And knows she will never be wealthy,

Who would trade money for wisdom and luck

The privilege to live free and healthy?


The salt-of-the-earth, knows-her-worth whitewater raft guide


Who is confident and knowing

 And comfortable with a crowd,

Who looks to where he’s going

And speaks his commands loud?


The witty and wise, clear and concise whitewater raft guide


Who stares down waves 12 feet high

 And guides right through their surge,

When all of the crew is safe and dry

Who is last to emerge?


The high-flying, death-defying whitewater raft guide


Who lives in that mythical place

Where legends are born and truth is vague,

Who wears a smile always ‘pon her face

And breeds envy like the plague?


The rule-breaking, epic-in-the-making whitewater raft guide


Who thinks he’s got it grand

Though he’ll never be rich?

That bugger the rest of us brand “A lucky son-of-a-bitch!”


The paper shack, never-look-back whitewater raft guide


Who has always a cozy home

A place to put down roots

When her feet can no longer roam

Who will just kick off her boots?


NOT the ne’er-do-well, crazy-as-hell whitewater raft guide!


This article originally appeared in Rapid, Summer/Fall 2010. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.

The River Gypsies’ Guide to North America Review

Photo: rivergypsies.com
Whitewater guide

This review of The River Gypsies’ Guide to North America from Brushy Mountain Publishing was originally published in Rapid magazine.

The River Gypsies’ Guide to North America is destined to become the Bible of itinerant river lovers. Authors Leland and Andria Davis’ comprehensive descriptions of 294 rivers, including both classics and previously unpublished runs, span nine of the continent’s primo paddling regions. The coverage focuses on good road tripping destinations—those with a concentration of quality class III–V+ whitewater and decent climate—and includes info on when to go and where to find camping, showers, Internet, groceries, paddling partners and, of course, cold beer. Easy-to-read maps, river beta and directions are enhanced by hundreds of color photos.

www.rivergypsies.com | $45

This article originally appeared in Rapid magazine, Summer/Fall, 2010. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.

Trangia 27-2 HA Cookset Review

Photo: trangia.se
Camping cook set

This review of the Trangia 27-2 HA Cookset was originally published in Rapid magazine.

In regions where cooking over an open fire isn’t a viable option, a Trangia stove is a hungry paddler’s easiest alternative. The Swedish-made Trangia is self-contained with a watertight lid and no moving parts, hoses or valves, so it’s basically indestructible. Lazy chefs and world travellers appreciate the simplicity and versatility of the design; just fill the double-walled cup with ethyl or isopropyl alcohol from the hardware store or pharmacy, light it and go. Boil a litre of water in 8–10 minutes, even in strong wind, high altitudes and very cold temperatures. The newest Trangia cookset is a compact, nesting collection of two pots, a frying pan, kettle, stove and bombproof windscreen made of durable, ultralight hard anodized aluminum. Add a litre of fuel and you and a friend will be eating well for a week. 

www.canadianoutdoorequipment.com | $139

This article originally appeared in Rapid magazine, Summer/Fall, 2010. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.

Riverbug HV Review

Photo: Riverbug.me
Riverbug HV

This review of the Riverbug HV was originally published in Rapid magazine.

First conceived in New Zealand, Riverbugging has since descended rivers around the world. Leading the Riverbug revolution is Don Allardice, a Kiwi and long-time paddler living in Austria. A fateful meeting between Allardice and Trailhead Ottawa owner Wally Schaber at the European paddlesports tradeshow, Kanumesse, last year convinced Schaber to bring the funky craft to North America. This Spring, Rapid got a lesson in ‘bugging from Allardice himself on the creeky class ||-||| rapids of our backyard run.

The Riverbug’s twin PVC pontoons sandwich around a foam seat platform and inflatable backrest, lenaind it armchair comfort and stability, and a Velcro lap belt holds the ‘bugger in place. Instead of a paddle, a Riverbugger slips on webbed, neoprene gloves and flippers and uses his legs to provide most of the propulsion and steering. Sitting upright and kicking with your feet, you either drift and back ferry or run rapids in reverse, row-boat style, which makes spotting eddies and edging a bit counterintuitive for paddlers. Nevertheless, the Riverbug’s forgiving and surprisingly nimble ride had us feeling like old pros within a couple hours. It’s this quick learning curve—and the pleasure of feeling the water directly through hands and feet rather than shaft and blade—that makes Riverbugging addictive fun. And while such ready proficiency can too often lead to boredom with a new sport, Allardice’s hand rolls, graceful pirouettes and successful descents of difficult rivers—he says the ‘Bug is best suited to creeks and technical, continuous lower volume river runs—are proof that this is a sport with a future. 

www.trailhead.ca | $859

This article originally appeared in Rapid magazine, Summer/Fall, 2010. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.

Editorial: Marketing Whitewater

Photo: Scott MacGregor
No milk moustache, just big wet happy smiles.

Jeff Manning is the man behind “got milk?” You probably know this award-winning ad campaign— it has a 90 per cent awareness rating and its television ads feature celebrities wearing thick milk moustaches.

The “got milk?” campaign kicked off in California to save a dairy industry that was sucking the hind tit, as they say, losing three per cent a year to non-alcoholic beverages driven by mega brands like Coke, Gatorade and Evian.

Doug Iverster, Coca-Cola’s president at the time, was quoted saying, “I’d like to earn your friendship, but that’s not really my priority. Nor is earning the beverage industry’s respect and admiration. All of those things would be nice, but this is what I really want—I want your customer.”

As you might expect, this was a wake-up call for the dairy industry. Manning called it an “oh-so nice and we’re good for you, too, kind of business.” Sounds a lot like paddling to me.

The “got milk?” campaign is often referenced when members of the paddling industry gather in eddies and around boardroom tables to discuss ways of growing whitewater. Over the last few years there have been a number of attempts to do just that, none of which came anywhere close to a 90 per cent awareness rating—some died on the boardroom table.

Enough already Scott, isn’t this type of article better suited to trade magazines? Maybe, maybe not. As a consumer, a thriving whitewater industry brings you more innovation, more international trips, cheaper prices. You’d have more people to paddle with. This magazine would be fatter. American Whitewater and local groups would surely benefit by doubling their memberships, we’d be a stronger lobbying force to be taken more seriously at whatever table we sat around discussing river issues.

Another round of industry-lead marketing campaigns is in the works this summer. The Let’s Go Paddling campaign is a World Kayak initiative spearheaded by Jackson Kayak, albeit at arm’s length. And Paddlesports Nation, funded by Confluence Watersports, is a spin-off of Outdoor Nation.

I estimate that whitewater as a whole is a $17 million dollar business. If you could convince the industry to come together and add one per cent to equipment prices and service fees to fund “got whitewater?” we’d have $170,000 to play with in a North American marketing campaign, compared to $22 million for milk in the State of California alone. Milk was up against every other non-alcoholic beverage. We’re up against every other recreational activity you can do outside, including golf, RVing and gardening. I’m not sure we’d make a significant difference.

I think we’ve forgotten something really important. Most of us got into paddling because either our parents introduced us (either themselves or by paying for camp) or we went along with a buddy.

I have an idea. I stole it from the Outdoor Industry Foundation and their “I Will” campaign—in which people pledge to take two kids outside to experience any outdoor activity over the next year.

Imagine the change if every whitewater paddler pledged to take two new people down a river this year. No round-table discussions required. No increase in equipment prices to fund it. No milk moustaches. Just big wet happy smiles.

Scott MacGregor is the founder and publisher of Rapid. Learn more about the campaigns at www.paddlesportnation.org, www.letsgopaddling.com and www.outdoorfoundation.org/iwill

This article originally appeared in Rapid, Summer/Fall 2010.


Best Weekend Escapes

Northern Forest Canoe Trail. Photo: NFCT
Northern Forest Canoe Trail.

This canoe trip destination article was originally published in Canoeroots and Family Camping magazine. 

From mountainous, forest lakes to meandering, pastoral rivers to the friendly, historic villages that dot these landscapes—the Northern Forest Canoe Trail has it all.

Since its inception in 2000, it has remained the longest inland water trail in North America, linking the waterways of New York, Vermont, Quebec, New Hampshire and Maine, inviting paddlers from all walks of life. “A 67- year-old retired truck driver paddled the en- tire trail last summer, a family from Northern Vermont is paddling the trail in sections and many people use it for day trips to week-long excursions, or for angling and birding,” says Kate Williams, the trail’s Executive Director.

Williams, who has paddled a large portion of the water trail’s 1,190-kilometre length—much of it with her two young kids, shares her favorite weekend excursions.


Long Lake to Axton Landing, New York

Panoramic vistas of faraway summits and a stunning picnic lunch view of 80-foot Racket Falls highlight the wildest section of canoe trail in New York. “This route provides a nice combination of lake and river paddling,” says Williams. Plenty of campsites and lean-tos are available. Bring your rod to enjoy excellent bass, pike and walleye fishing.


Northeast Kingdom
 Paddle and Pedal, Vermont

“For families with diverse interests, the Northeast Kingdom paddle and pedal itinerary is ideal,” says Williams. Spend a full day meandering through a bucolic landscape on the Clide River and canoe through a rare wet- land complex. The following day, head to the village of East Burke to mountain bike or hike part of the 110-mile trail complex at Kingdom Trails—recently voted North America’s best trail network by BIKE magazine readers.


Lake Memphremagog, Quebec/Vermont

Finger-shaped Lake Memphremagog extends 43 kilometers along the Quebec/Vermont border. Nestled among steep mountains, Williams says the glacial lake offers “excel- lent birding opportunities in the South Bay Wildlife Management Area.” Local lore has it that the deep lake also harbours a 30-foot sea serpent named Memphre. Over 200 alleged sightings exist, dating from the 1800s to most recently in 2003.


Connecticut River, Vermont/New Hampshire

Enjoy a leisure float down the agricultural valley of the Connecticut River—the longest in New England. “It’s definitely one of my favorites,” says Williams. “It’s a big, wide river with no portaging, excellent camping and a rich history.” Paddle under an antique rail- road trestle, watch for osprey and eagles and swim at one of the many sand beaches from Bloomfield to Groveton.


Flagstaff lake, Maine

“Flagstaff Lake provides a neat blend of recreation and history,” says Williams. Villages that were submersed by the Long Falls Dam in 1949 have been mapped out by the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. “With our GPS coordinates or brochure,” she adds, “you can paddle over and know the exact location of the old school house and many farms.” Overnight options range from huts to luxurious bed and breakfasts.


Find out more about route itineraries along the Northern Forest Canoe Trail by visiting www.northernforestcanoetrail.org


This article originally appeared in Canoeroots & Family Camping, Fall 2010. Download our freeiPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.

Kayak Essentials: Sea Kayaking Ditch Bag

Photo: Kamil Balous
A picture from inside the cockpit of a sea kayak showing a paddler packing gear into the boat.

If you are unable to self-rescue while sea kayaking, then bringing a boat-full of luxury items to have a comfortable trip will be in vain. You do not need to be a professional to know what to bring and how to pack it but learning from those who are sea kayaking professionals can be easier than trial and error. Sea kayak guides develop their own packing and safety systems; they all know that a few standard items packed on the body or in the cockpit will help quickly mediate many escalating situations. No matter your style or micro systems, packing like a guide is simple: Keep the items most necessary to survival at closest proximity.

First, on the body you’ll want a sounding device, visual alert and a fire starting kit. Clip your VHF radio to your PFD and know how to use it. Remember that throughout Canada and the United States channel 16 is used to make calls. Always keep track of where you are and be ready to share this information. If help is in the area, flares may be your best chance at being seen. Keep them dry. At the very least, equip your PFD with a loud whistle. Be sure you can access it and blow it comfortably from where it’s tied.

Assuming you self-rescue, get an assist or swim to shore, you may need heat from a fire to stave off hypothermia. Three crucial and easily packed items will make it happen: ignition, tinder and a knife.

Don’t trust waterproofing to a tiny dry bag alone. Double up with a new plastic inner bag with ends twisted shut as a security measure. Stash two lighters and waterproof them separately. If you choose matches, don’t count on strike-anywhere ones; include the strike pad in your kit. For tinder, I like cottonballs coated in petroleum jelly. Stuff these in a waterproof tube or pill container.

I use a straight-blade knife with sheath that attaches right onto my PFD. A solid non- collapsible knife with a beefy handle makes the creation of rooster tails and splitting cedar most efficient. Keeping these three safety items together, dry and on your person will make starting a fire as easy as possible under potentially ugly conditions, especially in ubiquitously wet coastal weather.

Most guides pack a few items that can fit into a small dry bag in the cockpit between their legs or preferably clipped in behind the seat so it doesn’t disappear if they bail. The contents seem simple, but prove repeatedly useful.

I bury spare warm base layers at the bottom of this dry bag and hope I don’t see them again until I get home. Put a wool or fleece toque in there, because if any part of you is cold, putting on a warm hat helps. Dry gloves or hand warmers can make the difference between having the dexterity to build a fire or not. You’ll be grumpy paddling a rainy coast without a proper rain hat—if you have the good fortune to begin your trip in the sun don’t forget to stuff a rain hat in your dry bag.

The last item on my list offers the comfort and emotional support that helps me function better on trip and can aid in stabilizing a cold or injured person. Before breaking camp in the morning I boil extra water to make tea or quick soup in a thermos; a good one will actually keep liquids piping hot until evening.

You can spend a lifetime modifying these personal kits; most guides do. Some develop and check menu-card packing lists before each trip. A best-case scenario is that none of this stuff is even necessary except maybe the warm thermos treat when you land at the end of the day.

April Link spent 100 days in Canadian outdoor leadership training (Colt) in Strathcona Park to become a Sea Kayak Guide and Canoe instructor on the coast of British Columbia.

This article originally appeared in Adventure Kayak, Fall 2010. Download our freeiPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.

Shootout: Esquif Spark vs. Bell Ocoee Canoe Review

Photo: Virginia Marshall
Esquif Spark and Bell Ocoee Whitewater Canoes. Photo: Virginia Marshall

A comparison and review of the Esquif Spark and Bell Ocoee whitewater open canoes from Rapid magazine.

At first glance , these two boats appear as disparate as apples and oranges. The hull materials are different and everything about the shapes seems to be from separate fruit baskets altogether. And yet many prospective OC buyers agonize over this choice: Bell Ocoee or Esquif Spark? Let’s examine some of the facts and debunk some of the myths surrounding these two top contenders.

“The Spark is so much lighter.”

Sorry, partner. The Spark may be an effortless river darter but it also comes stock with wood gunwales. Make the comparison meaningful with comparable wood trim on the Ocoee and it weighs just 43 pounds fully outfitted. The Spark comes in at 42 pounds outfitted. The difference is the weight of 17 oz (a half-litre) of water—one small wave splashing in for the ride.

“The Ocoee is so much tougher.”

The outer layer of the Ocoee’s hull is made from the same material as plastic plumbing pipe and is not as prone to crushing from rock collisions as the Spark’s Royalite material, but Royalite does toughen with age and will gain durability. Treat your Spark hull with respect and it will last for years.

“The Spark doesn’t surf well.”

With more rounded chines and bottom, less secondary stability and a long, thin stern, the Spark is a somewhat less stable surfing platform than the flatter-hulled, hard-chined Ocoee. Although the learning curve is steeper for Spark surfing, it’s pretty easy to get it on a wave.

“The Ocoee wasn’t meant for racing.”

Both boats were designed by accomplished slalom paddlers. The Ocoee’s designer, the late Frankie Hubbard, was a top-level competitive racer, and of course, John Kazimierczyk (who now has over 100 slalom medals in his sock drawer) adapted his Ignitor solo race boat to create the Spark. Hubbard and Kaz even used to race together.

“The Spark is faster.”

With its narrower footprint and flatter shallow arch hull, the Spark is faster than an Ocoee. However, except in the hands of exceptional paddlers for whom wave-blocking and finding the perfect line every time is instinctive, the Spark is also wetter. The Ocoee is flared outward from the waterline to the gunwales; the Spark flares inward, a trait that lends itself to the attack style and vertical forward stroke used in slalom racing…and to water forever rinsing your knees. For most paddlers, the Spark’s natural speed advantage slips away as it gets heavier with every wave. Both boats also show a performance bias for lighter paddlers, as heavier paddlers cause the bows to push water with predictable effects on speed.

“The outfitting always falls out of the Spark.”

Absolutely true—if you don’t install the anchors with Stabond glue and pre-clean the gluing surfaces with MEK cleaner. Vinyl glue is almost useless except in the very short term, and it’s a waste of good outfitting anchors. This is because the inner layer of the Spark is ABS, not vinyl. Use the right adhesive and your outfitting will stay put.

Whether it’s apples and oranges or an Ocoee and Spark, the best fruit—like the best canoe—is the one that suits your tastes. If you are determined to stand on the slalom podium, to devote yourself to the pursuit of competitive excellence, the Spark is your boat. If you want to practice in slalom gates, race for pure fun, run wild rivers with rocks and drops, play in steep creeks and do it all in smug dryness, then the more versatile, Ocoee is the boat to fall in love with.

This article originally appeared in Rapid, Summer/Fall 2010. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.


Butt End: Talkin’ About My Generation

Photo: Kevin Callan
Butt End: Talkin' About My Generation

Born in 1963, I’m a Baby Boomer on the graying edge of Generation X. Generation Y, people born between the mid-1970s and early 2000s, can sometimes really get on my nerves. At the college where I teach part-time, students answer cellphones in class, text message during exams and Tweet on their iPod Touches while we’re having what I thought was a meaningful discussion, like why I shouldn’t give them a big fat zero for not handing in a paper.

These kids don’t know the smell of a bottle of Wite-Out, think money is made in ATM machines and have never heard a phone actually ring. Gen Yers’ love affair with GPS and Gore-Tex is as overwhelming as their inability to use an axe or read a map. While keeping in contact with other paddlers through Facebook and chatter forums is at an all-time high, their attendance at local canoe club meetings is low.

Gen Yers claim we’re just as weird (note the bandana and peace sign in the above photo). In their eyes, Baby Boom paddlers have been cursed with Tilley hats, fixate on canvas packs, wool socks, plaid shirts and camo pants and think it’s cool to make camp stoves out of beer cans. We also seem to go on about how young people don’t paddle anymore—which couldn’t be further from the truth. 


According to such groups as Paddle Ontario and Paddle Canada, canoe trips have increased in popularity with people in their mid-twenties by almost 40 per cent across North America in the last few years. Great news. However not many canoeists today are tripping for any length of time, not like the good old days. 

Baby Boomers once averaged a minimum of 12 days out, Gen Xers trips in the ‘80s were seven to ten days and now Gen Yers don’t go for longer then a weekend. Don’t believe me? Try finding a two-week rental rate in an outfitter’s brochure… Oops, I mean website.

So why are we paddling less? Provincial and federal tourism studies suggest two reasons why we don’t go out for longer periods—no time and less money.

I blame technology. It was designed to make our lives easier, at home and at the workplace, but it has done the opposite. Now we’re addicted to it—they call them CrackBerries for good reason. like an addict detoxing, only after day 10 of a trip do you come to the conclusion that Tweeting is best left to the birds. Too bad the majority of us will never know (or remember) that feeling.

And the Gen Yers texting in my classroom, I just hope they are planning their day-11 breakfast menu. If that were the case, I’d give them an extension on their papers.

Kevin Callan’s favourite pastime is making beer can stoves. 

This article on generational divide was published in the Summer 2010 issue of Canoeroots magazine.This article first appeared in the Summer 2010 issue of Canoeroots Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Canoeroots’ print and digital editions here.