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Fun For Everyone: Top 6 Canoe Games To Play This Summer

Kids wearing lifejackets, floating in water beside overturned canoe
Practice your skills without even realizing it. | Photo by: Virginia Marshall

I remember my first experience learning how to canoe. The sky was dark, the lake grey. I dipped a few strokes timidly into the uninviting water and wondered when I could go back to shore. Then someone suggested a game.

We crashed, capsized, laughed—and probably learned. Sleek torpedo or leaking bathtub, the canoe itself was all but forgotten. While clambering atop the shiny wet hull or spinning on a dime to evade an incoming projectile, that day I learned the most important lesson in learning to canoe: we do it because it’s fun.

The following canoe games are great for all ages and will help get paddlers comfortable in a canoe, practicing their strokes, and overcoming their inhibitions, without even realizing it.

1. Race to a dozen

Players: Four players, one taskmaster
You will need: Two canoes, one whistle, two floating balls

How to play

  • Players form teams of two per canoe, both teams get one ball
  • The moderator calls out a task or challenge, then blows the whistle
  • At the sound of the whistle, each team rushes to perform the task
  • Teams get one point for being the first to complete the task
  • The first team to get 12 points wins

Task ideas

  • Switch positions with teammate
  • Pivot canoe 360 degrees
  • Jump into water, swim under canoe, and climb back in
  • Throw ball into other team’s canoe
  • Have each team throw their ball as far as possible before going to retrieve the other team’s ball. When retrieving balls, teams must paddle with butt ends or paddle backward

2. Gunwale bobbing

Players: Two
You will need: One canoe

How to play

  • Two players stand facing each other, balanced on the gunwales; one at the bow, the other at the stern
  • Players bob and wiggle to set the canoe bobbing
  • Object of game is to make your opponent lose balance, sending him or her for a swim first
  • To increase the challenge, try moving further toward the ends of the canoe

3. Sticky situation

Players: At least three solo paddlers or six tandem paddlers
You will need: At least three canoes, a roll of duct tape

How to play

  • Set boundaries for the area of play. For example between the shore, docks, buoys, etc.
  • Cut two foot-long pieces of duct tape for each canoe. Fold the duct tape partially over onto itself so only four inches of adhesive is exposed
  • Stick a piece of duct tape to the bow and stern of each canoe
  • The moderator instructs the canoes to spread out and begins play with a whistle
  • Object of game is to grab as many pieces of tape as you can from the other canoes
  • Moderator ends game with a whistle
  • The team with the most tape wins

4. Ultimate canoe frisbee

Players: Minimum eight
You will need: Minimum four canoes, one floating Frisbee or soft football, one whistle

How to play

  • Using existing boundaries or buoys, approximate a football field, with end zones about 30 metres apart
  • Divide players into two teams
  • Object of game is to score points by completing a pass in the other team’s end zone
  • Play begins with teams racing from their own end zone to pick up the Frisbee floating at mid-field
  • Players can take only five strokes when their boat has the Frisbee before they must pass to a teammate
  • When the Frisbee is passed, the receiving players must catch it inside their canoe
  • If the receiving players miss the pass, the Frisbee goes to the other team to continue play
  • When a goal is scored, the other team gains possession and begins play from mid-field
  • If the water is warm and the group is enthusiastic, you can play full contact (read: capsize) ultimate, but only against canoes in possession of the Frisbee
  • First team to reach 10 points wins

5. Clowns

Players: As many as you can!
You will need: One canoe

How to play

  • Object of game is to pile as many people as possible into a floating canoe
  • Players must enter the canoe from the water by climbing in while the others balance the canoe
  • Try having competitions: boys versus girls or kids versus adults, or just see how many you can fit while someone takes a picture

6. The paddle game

Players: The more the merrier
You will need: One paddle for each player

How to play

  • Players form a circle, standing shoulder-width apart and facing inward
  • Players rest the blades of their paddles on the ground in front of them, holding the butt ends of their paddles at arm’s length in front of their chests
  • A moderator calls commands—one to the right, two to the left, etc.
  • Players must let go of their paddle and move in the prescribed direction to grab their neighbour’s paddle before it falls
  • If a paddle falls to the ground, the player who was holding it and the player who didn’t catch it leave the circle.
  • To increase the challenge, have the players step back so they are farther apart
  • If all but two are eliminated, these last players try to catch their own paddle after letting go and spinning around; first once, then twice and so on until there is a winner

Featured photo: Virginia Marshall

Learning on the Fly

Teaching myself to fly fish was like taking myself canoeing before I could tell a Grumman from a cattle trough. I found myself at sea with the paddle upside down.

Before my canoe trip to B.C.’s Bowron Lakes I had borrowed a six-weight travel fly rod and parted with enough money and dignity in a fancy fly shop to walk away with all the other gear I needed to go fishing.

At our first campsite I crouched with my plastic shopping bag of fly shop goodies and my nine-piece rod and cross-referenced all the user manuals and package instructions with a book called What Fly Do I Use. This is how I figured out how to put the rod together, attach the reel to the rod right-side up, clinch-knot the fly to the tippet, measure the tippet and loop-tie tippet to leader, leader to sink tip, and sink tip to fly line. 

Untangling a 4x tipper from an alder bush is one way to pass the time while your trip mates cook dinner 

Hours later, I had a canoe-length of mostly invisible leader dangling with a hook on the end like a purpose-built weapon for snagging eyeballs. I carefully carried it to a clearing by the water that had recently been evacuated by bystanders, and ventured a cast. I can tell you this. Untangling a 4x tippet from an alder bush is one way to pass time while your trip mates cook dinner. So went day one.

I paddled by day and practiced by night until I cut my set-up time from two hours to 10 minutes. Which left the cast. Nobody on my trip knew how to fly fish, yet half of them thought they knew enough to instruct. One had seen her father fly fish once long ago.

“But doesn’t it go something like this?” she insisted, arm flailing. A park ranger buzzed up in a motorboat to say, “Pretend your elbow is strapped to your body.” She didn’t know how to fly fish either, but had once seen someone teach it.

Annoyed, I walked down the beach to where I could be alone to practice under the guidance of my own soul. Gradually I recalled the cadence that I’d learned during a half-day course last spring, the back-wait-forward-release that would shoot the line a little ways out into the lake—plop.

Halfway around the Bowron Lakes the route descends the Isaac River. An ice-clear mountain stream with deep green pools, the Isaac’s the kind of place where you picture yourself fly fishing even 

If you don’t. I raced through the portage and set up my rod. By this time I’d perfected a passable double haul that could zing the fly across 100 feet of river and land it in an eddy with a modicum of grace. When it worked it felt damn good.

I’d like to be able to tell you about the monster trout I caught. On the drive from Vancouver I’d cracked a fortune cookie at the Hong Sheng Restaurant in Williams Lake that read, “The rainbow’s treasures will soon belong to you.” Meaning rainbow trout, I’d thought. Destiny. But so far all it had brought was rain.

The problem was I’d forgotten the names of all the flies I’d bought, the caddises and duns and stone flies and Hendricksons. I’d forgotten which flies were supposed to be sinking flies or floating flies, and which were for rivers or lakes. I chose flies like a rat building a nest, going for colour and bling. But it didn’t matter because arcing my line out onto the Isaac River gave me as much pleasure as any fish. You hungry bystanders and your “Catch us a fish, catch us a fish,” I thought. What do you know? Can’t you see this is my Brad Pitt moment?

On the final night of the trip I started trolling. Fly fishermen call it “streaming.” I’d settled on the only fly whose name I could remember: the woolly bugger. The woolly bugger was a fly I could understand. A fly, the book said, meant to represent nothing and be good for everything. A very non fly-fishermanly fly, that woolly bugger.

I got in the canoe and streamed my soggy, last-ditch woolly bugger around in the dark. Then I felt a flurry of tugs and the tip of my rod danced. My hands shook as I reached for the net and almost dumped the canoe. Everyone on Swan Lake knew I’d caught a fish from the clatter of my paddle and the burst of camera flash like a meteoroid in the night.

After the photo, I carefully slid the wriggling creature back into the water. Be free, you eater of woolly buggers. You not-a-rainbow-trout.

It was not a fortune-cookie’s promise come true. But arriving at its rightful place on my learning curve, the tiny fish gasped a promise of its own. Your success can only improve. 

This article on fly fishing was published in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots magazine.

This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots Magazine.


Supermodel Canoes

Photo: Brad Bryan
Supermodel Canoes

The storied poetry of master builders laying cedar strips on an antique form to build a canoe is still present in the manufacture of today’s ultra-light canoes. Although modern kevlar canoes are made in factories using the same space-age materials used to make bulletproof vests and airplanes, their creation still involves equal parts industry, innovation and human skill.

A tour of one such facility feels more like a visit to a grandfather’s workshop than it does a trip to one of Henry Ford’s production lines.

The Wenonah Canoe factory sits at the foot of 600-foot bluffs that overlook the Mississippi River in Winona, Minnesota. Inside, workers create the kind of ultra-light canoes that make long trips easier and short trips faster.

Twenty-five of the 29 Wenonah models are available using the bread-and-butter kevlar ultra-light hull material Wenonah has been developing for more then three decades. The minimal thickness of these hulls means the heaviest touring class canoes weigh in at just 55 pounds. The shortest solo canoes weigh a mere 24 pounds.

Speed and precision in this stage of the process are critical 

Proponents of high-end composite hulls will tell you they are stiff, quiet and literally bulletproof.

With work divided among nimble hands and specialized equipment, it takes just a few hours for a hull to take shape. Each style begins in a custom wooden mould.

A trigger man first sprays the inside of the mould with resin. Next comes the kevlar. So there are no seams, a single piece of kevlar three feet wide and up to 25 feet long is laid and pressed by hand into the mould. After the sheet conforms to the interior of the mould, smaller strips are applied to reinforce the ends before another layer of resin and kevlar is applied. With the resin having an easy working time of only about five minutes, speed and precision in this stage of the process are critical.

Smock-clad workers then put the mould, with the burgeoning canoe still inside, on a gurney and wheel it out of the spray booth to harden, like a patient leaving surgery for the recovery room. But the operation is far from over. 

Next comes the plastic surgery. After they trim any excess kevlar off, workers lay down a diamond-shaped PVC foam sheet and some 3/8- inch ribs.

The foam sheet and ribs serve three purposes. They stiffen the hull, they provide buoyancy to a hull that is so dense it would barely float if over-turned and they provide a place to attach components to a hull that is otherwise so thin there would be no way to outfit the canoe with things like footrests or side-mounted seats.

A third layer of kevlar is applied to the interior to seal in the foam.

The next step is crucial to reducing the weight of the canoe. Workers lay a plastic bag fitted with four vacuum hoses over the canoe’s interior. Overnight, light suction will remove up to eight pounds of material, slowly extracting any still-hardening resin that hasn’t impregnated the kevlar. 

After the excess resin is removed, the PVC foam end tanks are fitted and installed for extra buoyancy and fibreglassed in. With that, the structural aspect of the canoe is complete. Excluding the time spent vacuum bagging, the hands-on labour has so far taken about an hour.

After the canoe has cured, workers free it from the mould using specialized pliers. A ceiling-mounted lift hoists the canoe from the mould and it is taken to another area where the edges are finished off, minor imperfections are made perfect and the hull is buffed.

The canoe then undergoes 45 minutes’ worth of finishing touches such as gunwales, thwarts, deck plates, a yoke and seats. Finally a last buff and, of course, the logo placement means the canoe is ready to push off in all its lightweight glory.

When fresh from the factory, these ultra- light—and bulletproof—canoes are not as aromatic as a cedar canoe, but only the most stubborn traditionalist would deny the worth of a building technique that lets a paddler ease into a favorite lake in the stillness of morning as quietly and effortlessly as possible. 

This article on ultra-light canoes was published in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots magazine.

This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots Magazine.


Dear Diary

I had no interest in canoeing when my father gave me a copy of Don Starkell’s Paddle to the Amazon on my 13th birthday. Two weeks later, I had finished Starkell’s diary of his father-and-sons canoe trip across the Americas, purged the public library of all its canoe titles and convinced my father to take me on my first overnighter. As we drove to the river, a stout rented fibreglass canoe tied to the roof of my dad’s Jetta, Starkell’s journal dominated my imagination. I was psyched for pirates, mutiny and towering waves—maybe even starvation and long, stringy hair.

The best trip journals are part personal reflection, part record of information 

None of that came to pass. I know this because I kept a journal myself. The penmanship is sloppy, and some trains of thought never pull into the station, but all I have to do is re-read it to trip again for the first time. 

It’s because of that journal that I remember that first canoe trip better than my last. Memories of the nine summers I’ve spent as a wilderness guide are more fleeting. My logbook from those years is mundane and impersonal. I recorded campsites, weather, menu and morale.

The only things that seemed to warrant more documentation were scraped knees and bee stings. Strings of campsites and thunderstorms replaced feelings about what really happened.

That’s not to say that a matter-of-fact trip log doesn’t have its place. It depends why you want to put pen to paper. A trip journal can be one of two things—a personal reflection, or a record of information. But the best are a combination of both—like Starkell’s day-to-day deliberations of paddling nearly 20,000 kilometres from Winnipeg to the Amazon. According to editor Charles Wilkins, Paddle to the Amazon began as a million-word, foot-high stack of trip notes. Pared down, it became the stuff of legends, a story of high adventure, hardship and love.

The feel-good reason for taking time to write in a journal is that the very activity forces you to slow down and appreciate where you are. It also helps you understand why you’ve chosen to escape society for a time. The practical part is that a journal reinforces your memory and makes things easier if you decide to go back for a second trip, or share your notes with friends.

I still have the yellow Hilroy notebook that was my first journal: Saturday, June 4. … I broke my paddle on the third rapid and I had to use the blade part like a ping-pong racket for the rest of the day. Dad said we should’ve brought along one of my broken goalie sticks as a spare.

Perhaps not a bestseller on par with Starkell’s, but well worth recording.

You need not aspire to win a Pulitzer Prize to keep a journal:

• Discipline is paramount. Don’t miss a day, or you’ll miss the next one too.

• Keep your notebook accessible in a Zip-loc bag so you can grab it throughout the day before your thoughts leave you.

• Voice recorders work, but only if you trust yourself to transcribe later.

• Engage the group and elicit material by conducting daily polls or surveys relating to the trip.

• Awarding a “quote of the day” is a good way to engage your partners and mark each day’s most worthy moments.

• Don’t leave the journal entry until night when you are tired and need to hang the food. Take regular breaks on the water to write as your canoe spins in the wind.

• Dirty paper and pens don’t mix; use a trusty pencil.

• A group journal in which each trip member is responsible for specific days adds variety to the manuscript and lets you learn from other people’s writing style.

• Hold yourself to a higher standard than just recording the weather and menu for the day. Years later, you’ll be more interested in the sounds and feelings of paddling a class III rapid, rather than the line you took through it. 

This article on journaling was published in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots magazine.

This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots Magazine.


The People in Your Neighbourhood

Photo: flickr.com/hebdromadaires
The People in Your Neighbourhood

I was excited about my new five-pound refillable propane tank. I had two buttered cheese sandwiches in the frying pan and two hungry campers begging for food. It was our first father-toddlers camping trip and I just then remembered the safe place in my basement where I’d left the adapter hose that connects my new tank to my Coleman stove.

What happened next is a bit shaky, like the real life video footage from an episode of COPS. Driven to crime by hungry, whining children, I stole the green canister from my neighbour’s abandoned picnic table.

Upon their return I thought it best to confess. I’m glad I did. The two large middle-aged men were, I’m certain, linked to the Russian mafia—or let’s just say one was in importing and the other was a simple truck driver who just purchased a new BMW 760.

I know all this because they invited us back for souvlaki skewers cooked over their fire. After the kids were tucked into their sleeping bags, I returned to share a $200 bottle of Johnny Walker Blue toasting the new automobile.

My first 20 years of camping I did in remote places—mountains, lakes and rivers— where seeing another group was grounds to keep moving to a different spot. Since starting a family, one of the many changes I’ve had to accept is trading these solitary sojourns for a more convivial camping atmosphere.

A few weeks after the propane incident, I spent the August long weekend at the busiest campground in the Highway 60 corridor of Algonquin Park. Packed into the knot of campsites were nearly 300 people—more than the population of the two towns in which I live and work.

Ziggy was the first person I asked to borrow a corkscrew. The twenty-something hippy girl across the campsite road rummaged through embroidered pouches and secret compartments in her chartreuse Westfalia. Nothing.

The campers to the left were Baptist and said they didn’t drink, although the teenage son suggested we just sink the cork. I said thanks and moved on before the questioning began.

On the other side, a young couple cuddled close to the fire, wine glasses in hand. Perfect. Except they’d forgotten a corkscrew too and grabbed a screw-off bottle on their way to the campground.

Finally, I met Harry Sarin, a radiologist at a big hospital in the city, and his wife, a nurse on leave raising their three children. 

It was their first time camping with kids, but by the looks of their sun-faded pup tents and micro stoves (and yes, a corkscrew) I guessed that they’d backpacked Europe.

The following morning, Harry wandered over asking if we had sugar for their coffee. We handed him a bottle of maple syrup. It was the best we could do. Over breakfast the kids became fast friends and we planned an all-day hike and cycle together.

Campgrounds like these aren’t about wilderness. To me they are about being surrounded by like-minded outdoor families— people you get to know more in a weekend than you do your neighbours at home.

Campground neighbours give what you don’t have, loan you what you’ve forgotten. They pick things up in town and leave you their worms and leftover wood. They boost dead batteries and return stray Frisbees. These neighbours make family camping more fun than it would be without them.

And, campground neighbours forgive you for stealing propane canisters and don’t ask truck drivers how they afford $200,000 European luxury sedans. 

This article on campground experience was published in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots magazine.

This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots Magazine.

Betcha Didn’t Know About… Moose

Photo: Steve Page
Betcha Didn't Know About... Moose
  • The word moose is derived from the Algonquian name moz, meaning he trims, shaves. Must be that unfashionable mullet, goatee, and patchy spring coat.
  • Moose are known as elk in Europe. North American elk were named by early European explorers who thought this large deer species resembled the European elk (i.e. moose). Presumably they had yet to see an actual moose…
  • In 1910, 10 moose introduced in Fiordland, New Zealand, disappeared into the impenetrable bush. occasional sightings were as credible as reports of Bigfoot until moose hair was found in 2002.
  • Male moose lose their antlers in the fall and re-grow them every spring. Antlers take three to five months to develop, making them the fastest growing male organ in nature.
  • Native American myths about moose with devil’s antlers are based on the misshapen appendages worn for life by castrated bull moose.
  • The largest moose ever recorded was discovered in Alaska. It stood 2.34 metres at the shoulder, weighed 816 kilograms, and had a rack spanning two metres.
  • The flap of skin that hangs beneath the throat is called a bell.
  • In 2000, the Moose in the City project flooded Toronto, ontario, with 326 life-size moose statues. Sold at a charity auction, these moose quickly became a source of corporate pride and prize targets for high school car rallies.
  • Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, is named from the Cree word moosegaw, which means warm breezes. Nevertheless, the city’s mascot is a 10-metre, 9,000-kilogram concrete moose named Mac.
  • Chocolate moose, a dish made famous by the Muppet Show in 1978, is a culinary staple of northern tourist towns.


This article on moose was published in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots magazine.This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots Magazine.


Butt End: Bushcraft

Photo: Kevin Callan
Butt End: Bushcraft

I think I have the humble pen thing figured out. It seems to come naturally when writing about misadventures. In any case, it works for me.

Humility will also take you far when canoe tripping. Lacking humility in the wilderness is the surest way to get into trouble. I’m frequently awed and humbled when I’m out there. In fact, that’s why I go out. Frequent humblings are good for the soul.

Humiliation? That’s another matter. But it’s just what I stumbled into last year on a trip with my friend Scott.

We had been given the job of preparing a base-camp for a BBC crew while they filmed a television special with Ray Mears. Mears is a bushcraft expert from the U.K. The kind of guy that can carve a paddle out of a tree in minutes or get a fire going without a match without breaking a sweat. The man’s bushcraft films are admired by thousands of fans worldwide, and here I was, charged with setting up his camp.

We were to stay a day ahead of them on the river, making sure everything was set for when they arrived.

“You want to be a writer, don’t know how or when? Find a quiet place, use a humble pen.” — Paul Simon 

It sounded like an easy job. And it would have been. If we had cooking pots. If I hadn’t forgotten them back at the put-in.

After taking an increasingly panicked inventory of the campsite I stared at the river and considered paddling back upstream, but we were too far and the current was too fast. We were trapped.

The first evening Scott and I ate peanut butter sandwiches rather than cook up our macaroni dinner. It was a hardship but we got through it. But not being able to boil water for coffee the next morning was unacceptable. What’s more we had to figure out a way to cook for the eight-person crew about to arrive that day.

First we tried placing hot rocks into a barrel pack full of river water, which gave us luke-warm, murky water filled with dirt, ash and probably parasites.

Next we spent an hour carving a log into a bowl to heat over the fire. It looked good, until it ignited, leaked and spilled its contents, dousing the flames. The third attempt was a little more successful. We found an old whisky bottle (bushcraft indeed) back in the bush, filled it half-full with water and hung it about a foot above the fire. A long while later, we had bubbly water to steep our coffee grounds in.

At noon the film crew arrived and I put on my humble hat and told them what had happened. Then, with little hope I suggested that maybe the bushcraft expert could show us, and the camera, what he was made of.

Mears looked thoughtful and for a moment I thought I might be about to learn something. Turns out I already knew his lesson.

“Well Kevin,” he said, reaching into his canoe, “we could use these pots left behind by some poor fool back at the launch.”

Later, with a full belly, I had to agree he was good at what he did.

This article on bushcraft was published in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots magazin

This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots Magazine.


100 Years of Quetico

Photo: Kevin Callan
100 Years of Quetico

The summer of 2009 marks 100 years since the inception of one of the canoeing world’s largest protected areas. When Quetico became an Ontario forest reserve in 1909 and then a provincial park in 1913, a paddler’s paradise was born.

It’s a place you can exercise your eyes on cascading waterfalls, reflective tannin lakes and stands of old-growth forest; spend calm evenings lying on a rock listening to loons call; pick marble-sized wild blueberries for morning pancakes; and take on a challenging portage to some remote lake full of feisty fish.

There’s no better way to celebrate the centennial than to paddle the renowned Hunter Island route. This is where it all began. It was the “island” area that was first protected in 1909.

It’s not really a true island. The Hunter Island area is a chunk of land and lakes that split the two historically significant fur-trade routes, Kaministiquia and Grand Portage. The route is chock-full of history and has far more water to paddle than trails to portage. And with Quetico being a border park, you can get to it either at the north end from Atikokan, Ontario, or from Ely, Minnesota and through the Boundary Waters Canoe Area to the south.

The 200-kilometre circuit takes 12 to 14 days to complete, though it’s possible to slice and dice the circuit to leave you with different trips of five or seven days. If you are in a hurry, have a go at the annual Hunter Island Canoe Race and try to break the speed record. The current record, set in 1994, is just under 29 hours.

But you’re best not to rush the trip. Hunter Island has too many natural and historic treasures along the way. Paddling this route you will pass: the place where Bill Mason starred in his first film, a portion of David Thompson’s survey route of Canada, the route of the militia heading to engage Louis Riel during the Red River Rebellion, the place where the infamous John Tanner was shot, a portion of pioneering conservationist Aldo Leopold’s favorite canoe trip, significant native pictograph sites and Warrior Hill, where young Ojibway braves raced to the top to test their worth as warriors.

This article on Quetico was published in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots magazine.

This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Canoeroots Magazine.


Off The Tongue: Babies Save Rivers

Photo: Scott MacGregor
Off The Tongue: Babies Save Rivers

The most dangerous thing that can happen to us guys is not a waterfall, nor a boulder choked, class V creek. It’s chicks and babies who kill paddlers!” wrote Reactionary columnist Ben Aylsworth in the Spring 2001 issue of Rapid.

Eight years later, now married with two little kids of my own, I have a completely different perspective. Aylsworth’s opinion at the time was too shortsighted (not to mention bitter and sexist) to see the lives of his paddling buddies come full circle.

Whitewater boat sales and participation peaked around 2001, not because of the super Ego, but because the last of the largest group of the population—the baby boomers—were still enjoying the golden whitewater years of their mid-thirties. Soon after, Ben would write, they were sucked from their boats, resurfacing in Lamaze classes and in minivans en route to soccer practice.

To be fair, these years are also the busiest time in most careers and a time when many paddlers are purchasing and trying to pay for their first houses. Paddles are traded for rakes, paintbrushes and drywall trowels. If you want to catch up with your thirty-something paddling buddies, try the tool rental desk at Home Depot. I have an account.

This special Love Issue is here to show those paddlers running scared from commitment that love doesn’t have to be as restrictive as a river-wide strainer and that there can be whitewater at the end of the wedding aisle and birthing canal. In this issue you’ll meet river kids and whitewater couples who are making it work.

My own family’s secret has been establishing Rapid and our lives in the Ottawa Valley. It was a conscious decision. We decided we’d rather live and work at the rivers than spend our weekends driving to them.

My son Dougie and daughter Kate, now four and two years old, have been swimming and paddling in class II rapids since they were born. Dougie has 35 river days scribbled in his log from last year alone. The kids have their own kayaks, paddles, canoe tripping barrels (one specifically for stuffed animals), fishing rods, sleeping bags and Therm-a-Rests. We have two tandem whitewater tripping boats and we split on a 14-foot raft (think giant playpen) with Rapid’s River alchemy columnist Jeff Jackson and his family.

There have never been more kids’ courses, boats and gear.

Some people argue that it is a result of this new gear that more kids are on rivers.

No doubt the availability of smaller gear and boats is making parents realize that they can start their kids younger. But I believe there is a second element at work. The RPM dads (and moms) of the late ‘90s have grown sick of soccer and are coming back to the rivers, bringing with them the offspring of the first whitewater boom.

Even if only half of the whitewater boomers get back in their boats and bring their families to the rivers, river paddling will be 50 per cent bigger than ever before.

Why should you care? Because today’s river rats will be tomorrow’s river advocates and environmental policy makers. When you look at it that way, babies don’t kill paddlers; paddlers’ babies save rivers.


This article on kids and paddling was published in the Early Summer 2009 issue of Rapid magazine.

This article first appeared in the Early Summer 2009 issue of Rapid Magazine.

Flushed: Just Follow Me

Photo: Matt Corke
Flushed: Just Follow Me

Aislinn and I met in college and bonded over cappuccinos and boiled perogies. She worried like a mother about my regular diet of Pop-Tarts and Lucky Charms. We shared a penchant for dreaming about far-away places too remote to make Outside magazine’s 50 Trips of a Lifetime and trying our luck at things that scared us.

That’s how I find myself scouting from a slippery bank as my first class IV resonates like the third beer on an empty stomach. A kaleidoscope of frantic foam, lashing tongues of dark water and air saturated with the river’s breath. The din of the whitewater drowns out the voice of my instructor—a callow hotshot who turns away to gaze at the wave for vital, entirely inaudible periods of his briefing.

My stomach flutters. A rabble of butterflies is trying to escape from its knotted clutch. With blissful ignorance and naïve optimism, I conjure an image of my boat slipping cleanly through the galloping whitewater. My faith in my fellow paddlers is unquestioning. Kayakers are transformed into knights; their boats are loyal steeds. Smelly neoprene is shining armour. Besides, nothing will go wrong, Aislinn assures me.

We are opposites in many ways. Aislinn is lanky and graceful where I am powerful and clumsy. As a climber, she moves up rock like a feather caught in a rising thermal. I scrabble below her, using brawn and grit without technique or strategy. She takes to kayaking with equal elegance.

Above the rapid, our instructor disappears over the drop without a word. Aislinn is calmly coaching, as if I am her personal responsibility. The sequence to the roll she taught me just three days earlier flickers like a dying light bulb in the dim labyrinth of my memory.

“Just follow me.”

I see her slip gracefully up the massive green tongue and slide effortlessly across the wave into the eddy below. The curling wave arcs above me. Water rushes my face and chest like a schoolyard bully in a game of Reeds. My boat stalls on its stern, then pirouettes and rolls upside down in what amounts to the only graceful part of my run.

I swim

Boils claw at my feet and threaten to hold me forever in the deep, black water. I drag myself onto a rock, shaking and swearing. Adrenaline courses through numb limbs. I’m a fighter who’s just lost after 15 rounds in the ring.

I might have left kayaking forever right then. But Aislinn wouldn’t let me. When my wit had fled to hide in vaulted towers high above the water, she brought me back to the river. And when I did my first combat roll later that day, I quietly thanked her.

We now live at opposite ends of the country. Our lives still revolve around paddling—hers in giving instruction and advice, mine in telling stories. Perhaps we have each other to thank.


This article on whitewater kayak instruction was published in the Early Summer 2009 issue of Rapid magazine.

This article first appeared in the Early Summer 2009 issue of Rapid Magazine.