Wild Edibles Recipes

When Fredrik Norrsell and Nancy Pfeiffer launched into the Alaska wilderness with only a spice kit in their trip pantry, they managed to not just survive but thrive on wild food. Here are three of their favorite recipes.


Hot Smoked Salmon

Shave about 3/4 cup of alder bark strips into base of smoker. Place two salmon filets into smoker. Spice with salt, pepper and garlic as you please. (A freshly caught fish doesn’t need much). Cover and cook until meat is flakey, about 20 minutes.

wild edibles beach greens

Wild Beach Green Salad

Pick a large bundle of oyster leaf beach green leaves. These mild-flavored leaves will be the bulk of your salad. Mix with lesser proportions of spicier greens, such a beach lovage, beach greens (otherwise known as scurvy weed or sea purslane) and wild peas. Cucumber berries—the unripe berries of the twisted stalk, also known as the watermelon berry plant—are a great addition.

Alaska wild edibles recipe

Salad Dressing

Mix equal parts soy sauce, brewers yeast and olive oil with a splash of vinegar. For a creamy, home version of the same dressing stir in equal parts plain yogurt and mayonnaise.


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