Kennedy Paddles in the Yukon

Robert Kennedy, Jr. and his family are set to travel to the Yukon later this summer to paddle the Alsek River.

The Alsek flows through Kluane National Park, which contains the world’s largest non-polar ice cap and is home to Mount Kennedy—named for the former president, John F. Kennedy.

In 1965 the president’s brother (Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s father) climbed the 4,300-meter (14,000’) summit. The Kennedy family’s weeklong rafting expedition on the Aslek is the first visit to the Yukon by the Kennedys since 1965. The trip will be run by local outfitter Neil Hartling of Nahanni River Adventures and Canadian River Expeditions.

Kennedy is an environmental lawyer and founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance, an environmental group that monitors and defends rivers in the U.S., Canada and other countries around the world.

Prior to embarking on his river trip, Kennedy will give public presentation at the Yukon Arts Centre in Whitehorse on Wednesday, August 7 at 8 p.m., titled “Our Environmental Destiny.”

Kennedy is known for his powerful and eloquent presentations that call for increased commitment to preserving the integrity of our environment.

Tickets available through all YAC outlets and tickets are $20.

 Visit Canadian River Expedition’s blog for more information. 


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