Haida Gwaii Kayak Trip

This kayak trip destination information is excerpted from “Best of the West” in Adventure Kayak magazine. 


Haida Gwaii, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia

14 days

If Haida Gwaii is not near the top of your Pacific paddling list, it should be. The “Galapagos of the North” boasts some of the last, best remnants of the Pacific Northwest’s wild raincoasts. Gwaii Hanaas National Park’s unparalleled Eden-like mix of ancient rainforest and vibrant marine life offers a window into what the Pacific Northwest used to be. The tangible and authentic history and current genuine hospitality of the Haida Nation complete the picture.

Learn more about this amazing destination at www.gohaidagwaii.ca or www.butterflytours.bc.ca.


This article originally appeared in Adventure Kayak, Spring 2011. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.


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