Video: Minnesota Wild Rice, Adam, and his Red Canoe

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Minnesota Wild Rice, Adam, and his Red Canoe from Old Saw Media on Vimeo.

Meet Adam. This guy has paddled all across Canada exploring in his canoe. He has paddled Hudson’s Bay with beluga whales, had close encounters with polar bears, and experienced cultures vastly different than those of his original stomping grounds; the Chicago suburbs. All it took was one Boundary Waters trip in Northern Minnesota and he was hooked for life.

This time of year, he is geared up and ready for the harvesting season of Wild Rice. What started as a hobby years ago has developed into an important part of Adam’s daily life. In one day, he can harvest anywhere from 150-200 pounds of unprocessed wild rice; easily enough to share with family and friends and last him until next harvesting season. Adam is taking full advantage of one of Minnesota’s greatest natural resources. And he’s doing it in style. Check out that hat.

Music: “Fight the Sea” By Josh Woodward

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