Gear Review: Helinox Ground Chair

Fresh off the success of the Chair One, Helinox newest release is an even lighter and smaller camp chair. Just slightly over a pound, the Ground Chair packs to the size of a small loaf of bread. It quickly snaps into shape using shock cords and aluminum alloy tubes, achieving a throne-like capacity of 265 pounds. True to its name, you’ll be seated just inches above the ground, yet it’s oh-so-comfortable.  


Assembled: 52 cm wide x 50 cm deep x 46 cm high.

Packed: 30 cm long x 9 cm wide x 10 cm high.

Weight: 554 gm or 580 gm in the tote bag.

Capacity: 120 kg.

Color: Black fabric with cyan blue frame, black tote bag. | $109.95



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