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Betcha Didn’t Know About… Salamanders

Photo: iStock.com
Betcha Didn't Know About... Salamanders
  • Salamanders have 10 times more DNA in each cell than humans do and can live as long as 30 years.

  • The largest salamander is the Chinese giant, which can grow up to six feet long.

  • The term “siren” is generally applied to salamanders that have lungs as well as gills. Other names salamanders go by include olm, axolotl, spring lizard, water dog, mud puppy, hellbender, triton and Congo eel.

  • All newts are salamanders. Except Newt Gingrich—he’s a Republican.

  • Salamanders’ forelimbs have four toes each and their hind limbs each have five. None of their toes have claws.

  • A key ingredient in witches’ brews, eye of newt is thought to be a common name for a medicinal herb, not the eye of a living newt. It refers to mustard seed, believed to have magical properties of enhanced fertility and mental fortitude.

  • like some types of lizard, salamanders can regenerate legs or tails lost in predatory attacks.

  • The rough-skinned newt, found in the Pacific Northwest, produces enough poison to kill a human.

  • The word salamander comes from the Greek words for fire lizard.

  • Carrie Henn played the resourceful, wild-haired girl, Newt, alongside Sigourney Weaver in the movie Aliens. Henn never acted professionally again. Instead, she became a schoolteacher. 

This article on salamanders was published in the Fall 2011 issue of Canoeroots magazine.

This article first appeared in the Fall 2011 issue of Canoeroots Magazine.


Skills: Shoot the River Like the Pros

Photo: Darin McQuoid
Skills: Shoot the River Like the Pros

If you’ve never wished you could capture the pulse- quickening feeling of a rapid or the expression on a friend’s face just above a drop to share and enjoy later, then might we suggest skipping this article. But if, like most paddlers, you recognize the power of an evocative photograph, there are no better teachers than the talent we’ve tapped for the very first Rapid Photo Issue. 


Spend time achieving a deliberte composition. To do this, I frame the scene and let the paddler move through. With experience you’ll know where the paddler is trying to go and anticipate the crux moment. 

The only time you may want to follow a paddler through a rapid is in big water or for a generic, up-close paddling shot.


  • The best shot is never from your boat and rarely from river level. Getting a good angle requires hiking.
  • Put the paddler at the edge of the frame, not the center.
  • Leave space for the paddler to move into—this builds suspense. Shoot for the moment of anticipation and create drama with the unknown.
  • Don’t tilt the lens to make a drop look steeper than it is—this is always obvious and looks tacky.
  • Shoot more than just the rapid—river canyons are beautiful!

If you have the time, shoot a lot. Try a different angle or zoom setting for every person that runs the rapid. You’ll learn a lot about what works, and what doesn’t. 


STOP: A stop is a measured amount of light that is consistent across all methods of adjust- ment. For example, you can correct an underexposed image in one or a combination of three ways: slow down your shutter speed, open your aperture, or speed up your ISO by the required number of stops. On a bright sunny day, I’ll generally start off with a shutter speed of 1/800, ap- erture F/8, ISO 100. Then I’ll check the histogram and adjust as necessary, starting with aperture.

APERTURE: Along with shutter speed, aper- ture—or F-stop—controls the amount of light reaching the sensor. The numbering seems backwards—the smaller the number, the larger the aperture. Larger apertures permit low light shooting without sacrificing action-freezing shutter speed, but reduce the depth of field—the amount of fore-, mid- and background that is in focus.

SHUTTER SPEED: Faster shutter speeds stop action but don’t let in much light so they are challenging to use in deep, dark river canyons. Slower shutter speeds expose the sensor to more light, but moving objects like water, kayakers and paddles will blur. I consider 1/500 the absolute minimum when trying to freeze action. A better range is 1/800 to 1/1250. Shutter speed is the weakest of the three methods for adjust- ing exposure, because you only gain one stop of light going from 1/1000 to 1/500.

ISO: The digital equivalent to film speed. Lower ISO speeds absorb less light than higher ISO but retain better detail and color and less noise (digi- speak for grainy looking photos). As a rule, keep your ISO as low as possible for the situation. 


Understanding light consists of a few basic rules mixed with experience. The most common mistake is to choose your angle for the rapid, not the light.

Early on, I thought sunny days were best for shooting action, since they allow medium apertures, fast shutters and low ISO speeds. Unfortunately they also limit your ability to shoot the angle you want.

Sometimes it can take years to get a shot because you have to camp at a certain location to shoot in the morning, on a run that flows only once a year. As you repeat rivers, remember key locations to shoot from, and what time of day will give you good light from that angle.

The most basic rule for whitewater lighting is to shoot with the sun behind you. It’s as simple as checking your shadow. This reduces glare, improves color saturation and, if the sun is low enough, lights up the paddler’s face. On the West Coast, this means shooting downstream in the morning and upstream in the afternoon. Vice versa on the right coast. At mid-day you are more or less limited to an overhead shot. If you have no option to get the sun behind you, use a good polarizer.

Although it is tricky since we can’t paddle in the dark, try to shoot near dusk and dawn for the most dramatic soft lighting.

If you’re shooting in the shade, try to exclude any direct sunlight from the frame, unless you see a specific bright spot that will highlight your subject. Don’t be afraid of mixed lighting when it can work to your advantage.

My favorite condition is when high cloud cover causes the light to naturally “lightbox.” Lightboxes are used for studio shoots and disperse the light so it’s even from all angles. You will need fast lenses or a camera with good high-ISO performance to maximize the light on these days, but you can shoot from your angle of choice with nice, even lighting. 


Any bright day on the river has a large dynamic range. This means that there is a vast difference from light to dark. Our eyes are amazing at taking in large dynamic ranges, while cameras are quite limited. Left to their own de- vices, cameras overexpose whitewater making it pure white and losing texture.

Welcome to the world of the histogram.

I shoot with my camera set to manual mode and adjust the exposure myself, using the histogram to achieve the right exposure. The histogram is a graph of the light captured by the camera sensor. It is the perfect tool for getting the correct exposure.

The most natural look for a scene where the dynamic range is too great is to adjust the exposure so detail is lost in the shadows (the left side of the histogram) but not the highlights—otherwise the image will appear washed out.

Ninety-nine percent of the time, the correct exposure for whitewater should look like the images at left. The graph needs to drop down before the right edge of the histogram to preserve highlight (whitewater) detail. 


Another make or break component to any action shot is sharp focus. Digital cameras focus best on areas with straight lines and high contrast, not exactly the prime features of whitewater.

Switch your auto-focus from the shutter release to the AF-ON or AE-L/ AF-L button. Also put your camera in continuous AF mode for greater accuracy. You can find out how to do this in the manual of any DSLR.

I use the central AF point on my camera and focus using AF-ON to the anticipated crux and paddler visibility. Then I reframe my shot to the original composition and wait for the paddler to move through.

If the camera struggles to lock focus where you want, look for an outstanding object like a rock the same distance away and use that as your focus point.

When following a paddler through a big water or up-close shot, choose the furthest outside AF sensor that will put the paddler moving into the frame, and then hold down the AF-ON button and keep the sensor over the paddler as they move past. Use this same strategy for panning (see below).

If your camera has focus tracking with lock-on, set the delay to normal or longer so waves or objects passing by in the foreground don’t distract the AF. 

This article on photography tips was published in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Rapid magazine.This article first appeared in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Rapid Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Rapid’s print and digital editions here.

Gull Race: A Race for Everyone

Photo: Marilyn Scriver
Gull Race: A Race for Everyone

Thirty-one years ago, the first Gull River Open Canoe Slalom Race took place at the Minden Whitewater Preserve in Ontario. Since then, the event has become a classic, serving as a model for engaging new paddlers and growing grassroots participation, all while retaining top-level competitors.

Whitewater canoeing groundbreakers Wendy Grater, Fred Loosemore, George Drought, Jim MacLachlan and Maureen Bretz founded the event. “At the time, you could only race on a gated course at decked-boat slalom events,” says Bretz. “We felt there was a need for a slalom event just for open canoes.” During the first few years, 17-foot tandem tripping boats with truck in- ner tubes for flotation dominated the river. “There were almost no dedicated solo boats,” recalls Bretz.

Slalom canoeing rewards both strength and experience. This led to the addition of a Master’s class during the race’s second decade, for the growing set of men over 40, tired of being outdone by the young summer camp guides, home after a season on the river.

In 2003, the category was expanded further. “The first year I was coordinating the event, we introduced a solo class for Women’s Masters,” says then race director and medalist, Beth Kennedy. “There were only a handful of paddlers that first year but the class has since grown to the same size as the Women’s Solo category.”

Last year—the event’s 30th anniversary—a new category was added once again, as aging race organizers vied for glory and hardware. The Legend’s class gives men and women over 55 a break from the now crowded Master’s class. Before the introduc- tion of the Legend’s category, the same boaters consistently won the Master’s. “The over 40 class was starting to get crowded, with most of the best paddlers now qualifying for that category,” says longtime competitor, Peter Farr. “It’s great to be able to race in the Legend’s class where there’s room to move up the standings.”


The Gull Race has also evolved into a family gathering. The Solo Men’s, Women’s and Junior’s classes consist of a range of paddlers from North American champions to those who dust off their canoes for their third or fourth run of the season. The Junior–Senior Tandem class usually consists of proudly grinning parents paddling with their children, like Rapid publisher Scott MacGregor and his son, Doug. “Racing with Dougie is the most fun I’ve had at the Gull,” says MacGregor. “We started racing together when he was four.” Doug’s medals hang on his bedpost all year long.

As modern whitewater open boating matures, so do pioneers like Bretz who continues to compete every year. “Where else can you see a competitive, challenging slalom race where the youngest competitor is three and the oldest is in their 70s?” says Bretz. “It serves as a breeding ground for new paddlers, having junior boaters mentored by others.”

With a record number of race starts there is clearly a demand for competitive, family-oriented events like the Gull Race where world-class open boaters race alongside legends in the making.

Mark Scriver enters the Gull Race yearly. While he’s creeping up on Legend status, he also keeps up with his sons. For more info on the event, visit www.whitewaterontario.ca.

1RPv13i3.jpgThis article first appeared in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Rapid Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Rapid’s print and digital editions here.


Carbon Boats: Who Needs Them?

Photo: Patrick Camblin
Carbon Boats: Who Needs Them?

The recent rash of carbon fiber playboats from mainstream kayak companies —think Wave Sport, Jackson and Fluid with Pyranha poised to follow—and specialized manufacturers like freestyle sector upstarts Black Sheep, Titan, ZET and Vajda, has some kayakers wondering: who needs carbon, anyway? Can it really make the average playboater that much better or is this just a new toy to keep the pro paddlers happy?

Black Sheep Kayaks designer and builder Dave Nieuwenhuis says, “The upper echelon of freestyle paddlers are the ones buying or ex- pressing interest in carbon boats. The majority of kayakers couldn’t justify owning a carbon boat simply because of where they paddle.”

Why does it matter where you paddle? Rocks.

Nieuwenhuis compares a carbon boat to a high-end sports car, “Your Ferrari might soak up a few bumps and your carbon boat should handle a few rocks, but do you really want to test that out?”

This means you need to avoid shallow features, sliding down the banks into the water and throwing it in the back of your truck to rattle around. And you really ought to tuck it into a soft, cozy boat bag to prevent scratches and sun damage.

The other disadvantage for the average boater is the hefty price tag— about two grand more than a plastic counterpart. For some serious riders, however, the siren song of carbon is simply irresistible. Canadian Freestyle Team member Keegan Grady worked all winter to save up enough money to buy a carbon boat, “It’s the best investment I’ve made in my riding to date.”


So what makes carbon such a good investment? More stiffness and less weight. Nieuwenhuis explains, “Although a plastic boat may appear to be stiff on the water, the upward deflection of the plastic hull is unavoidable. It’s simply the nature of the material. Carbon boats with foam cores have zero hull deformation and the result is an incredibly stiff surf that gives the truest sensation of floating. They surf like nothing else.”

The feathery weight of carbon is equally important. “Carbon boats are extremely responsive and seemingly effortless in comparison to similar plastic boats,” Nieuwenhuis continues. Which is why more and more pro freestyle paddlers are converting to composite.

Level Six Capital Cup 2011 champion and carbon advocate Adam Chappell says, “It took awhile to dial in tricks because the boat was so reactive on a wave. Now I don’t think I could ever go back to paddling plastic.”

At the 2009 Freestyle World Championships in Thun, Switzerland, plastic boats dominated a smattering of then just-emerging composite rides. Still, when this magazine went to press, carbon ruled the quivers of top paddlers competing at this summer’s Worlds.

So, despite their disadvantages for the average paddler, carbon boats clearly have their place on the water. But do they make you a better boater? Not according to Grady, “Carbon boats are an undeniable advantage, but I think the best rider will win regardless. The 2009 Worlds were a testament to that.” 

This article on carbon playboats was published in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Rapid magazine.This article first appeared in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Rapid Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Rapid’s print and digital editions here.

Games: Always Leave ‘Em Laughing

Photo: Katie Vegvary
Games: Always Leave 'Em Laughing

Kayaking was once about survival. Hunting. Transportation. Now we mostly kayak for recreation. Yet how vital that recreation can feel to our structured modern lives. Games, competitive and cooperative, can enhance that sense of satisfaction.

Traditional paddlers have long competed in various events that kept them fit and honed their skills. Play does that—makes you practice often overlooked skills without realizing you’re doing your homework. In addition to developing physical skill and mental sharpness, it also provides social interaction and exercises the laugh muscles.

The games listed below are infinitely adaptable to fit the venue and the paddlers. 


IDEA: See how many people can sit on one kayak
PLAYERS: Best with five to 10 per kayak
PROPS: One sturdy kayak
HOW TO: Add swampers (players) to the kayak until it submerges. Alternate option—flip the kayak over and try it on the hull.
VALUE: It’s all about balance and teamwork. This is a favorite game at kids’ summer camps.
BONUS: Bracing practice for the player seated in the kayak 


IDEA: Move the kayak with a variety of unconventional tools
PLAYERS: Minimum four, six to 18 is ideal, in two or three teams
PROPS: One or two buoys, one kayak per team (or each player in his/her own kayak), one to four preposterous items per person, such as: a stick, football, beach ball, inflatable shark, broom, trowel, lawn chair, pool noodle, Frisbee, cup, kayak pump, helmet, bootie, PFD… 
REQUIRED SKILLS: Moving forward, turning
HOW TO: First person from each team grabs a preposterous item from the pile. Team members help him into the kayak and push. Paddler rounds buoy and returns, tags hand of next team member who grabs another item and takes her turn in the kayak. Discard each item after use. Competitive version counts the winning team as the first one that cycles through all its members once, twice or three times. Cooperative version sees how fast the teams can go through all the items.
CAUTIONARY NOTE: If Leon Sommé shows up to your Preposterous Propulsion game wearing helmet and body armor, brace yourself for a full-contact version, including flying kayak tackles off the dock!
VALUE: It’s cool to see which items work well and which are surprisingly lame. It’s not always what you expect. 


IDEA: Stand in or on your kayak while knocking your opponent off hers
PLAYERS: Two and up; make tournaments with more players
PROPS: Two foam pool noodles
REQUIRED SKILLS: Willingness to try standing in or on a kayak
HOW TO: Position two kayaks near each other but away from docks or other kayaks. Have both opponents stand and wallop each other with foam noodles until one or both fall in. Pick up the pieces.
VALUE: Just standing on the deck (or seat) of a kayak opens new horizons. It’s the epitome of balance. If you have the inner focus to stand up and wave a pool noodle about, then sitting in waves will be a piece of cake.
BONUS: Reentry practice.

This article on games to play with your sea kayak was published in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Adventure Kayak magazine.This article first appeared in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.

Rock the Boat: Kayaker, Interrupted

Illustration: Lorenzo Del Bianco
Rock the Boat: Kayaker, Interrupted

I rarely see my friend Jon any more. We’ve sea kayaked together for years, and he’s been a fixture in the open-ocean paddling community. But he’s disappeared. Disappeared into a canoe, and it’s all the fault of the Brits.

The new requirements of the British Canoe Union—in which Jon and many of my other sea kayaking buddies are coaches—require competency in multiple paddling craft and environments. Longtime sea kayakers had to cut their paddles in half and start kneeling in open boats on rivers.

Jon loves it, he’s addicted to half a paddle and boats that fill up with water when you crash through waves. He now has six canoes outnum- bering his kayak fleet.

So I did what anyone would in my situation—complain. Why does coaching sea kayaking require knowing how to canoe?

Of course, there are plenty of good reasons. Coaching means working with other sports in a student’s history, and canoeing is a common one. Coaches employ a variety of techniques to provide feedback to learners: using half a paddle is very effective. I’ve been in tight rock gardens where

I could only paddle on one side of my kayak anyway.

I stopped whining about my lack of partners for sea kayak adventures, dusted off my ancient whitewater kayak (two knee surgeries make kneeling in a canoe impossible), and joined them on the river.

“For every kayaker who starts canoeing, a canoeist must start kayaking.”

Soon I was hooked. Half an hour from home, the water was clear and clean, and the current pushed us along from one play spot to another. I upgraded my whitewater kayak and went on a seven-day river trip with my now kayaker-canoeist buddies. We didn’t once have to wake up at 5 a.m. to catch an inconveniently scheduled tidal current.

Then something even cooler happened. Suddenly, new river-rat friends wanted to go sea kayaking. Diehards from the single blade scene bought NDK Explorers and asked me about trips in British Columbia and Alaska. It was as if there was some Newtonian Law of Conservation of Paddlesports Disciplines I’d missed in high school physics, where for every kayaker who starts canoeing, a canoeist must start kayaking.

That also makes sense. When sea kayak coaches started canoeing, whitewater open boaters suddenly found themselves sharing eddies and shuttles with sponsored, 5-star kayakers with some hefty trips under their belts. The allure was irresistible. The sea kayaking industry couldn’t have come up with a better way to expand their sport.

Now I sea kayak with people who tell stories about open boating down the Grand Canyon. I recently watched a canoeist-turned-sea kayaker pull off a back ferry across Canoe Pass that his instructor couldn’t mimic. As the saying goes, “Advanced sea kayak strokes (like cross-bow jams) are basic canoe strokes.”

I see my old sea kayaking friends again. It’s anyone’s guess what kind of boats we’ll be paddling.

But these days Jon is really into poling—pushing his way upstream in a canoe with a 12-foot-long stick. I doubt that will catch on. It sounds kind of silly. 

Neil Schulman lives, writes, paddles, photographs and works in environmental conservation in Portland, Oregon. He owns four kayaks and no canoes…yet. 

This article on kayakers turning into canoeists was published in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Adventure Kayak magazine.This article first appeared in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.

Manhattan: Gaining Perspective in NYC

Photo: Dave Caldwell
Manhattan: Gaining Perspective in NYC

Sometimes, you need to step back from the battlefield to get perspective on the bigger picture. The picture I’m looking at encompasses an overflowing island metropolis in the foreground and, in the background, a river. It’s framed in red tape and hangs wearily. Should it fall, it will shatter into a million pieces, lost forever. That picture came to me last October as I headed to the Big Apple to paddle and ride around Manhattan Island.

With three folding kayaks and three folding bikes, we were well equipped for our two-day venture. The goal of the trip was simple; to see Manhattan, its denseness and its grandeur, the clash of old industry and modern metropolitan life. None of us had been to New York City before.

Amidst the fury of downtown Manhattan, we anxiously unloaded our rides—three guys unfolding extra-small bikes with chrome fenders and oversized springy seats.

From Pier 66 we toured southwest to Ground Zero, grabbed a coffee, rambled through the maze of skyscrapers on Broadway Avenue amidst a rush of yellow cabs and pigeons, grabbed another coffee, continued to Times Square, grabbed a third coffee, and then ripped around Central Park. We finished our ride along the shore of the Hudson River, pedaling in darkness, the odd streetlight casting an amber glow on the endless backdrop of cityscape.

Viewing the chaos from its periphery

As our day came to an end, we felt a need to step back from the flashy lights, car fumes and crowds. To truly see the big picture that was Manhattan Island, it was necessary to view the chaos from its periphery.

The Manhattan Kayak Company, located at Pier 66, is well suited as a starting point for island paddlers. Even though the center was closed for the season, the staff was happy to provide local beta, such as this pearl: “Staten Island Ferries—the big orange ones—do not stop for anything.”

For paddlers, the relationship between a community and its natural environment is a no-brainer. Yes, I’m talking about river conservancy and the fact that the lives of not only river dwellers, but also entire communities, suffer from the ongoing degradation of their natural resources. Our eight-hour circumnavigation put the island into focus as a community, like so many other communities, which has overlooked its long-term dependence on the health of its ecosystems.

We paddlers slip neatly, and sometimes blindly, into our own communities of paddlers who understand this notion of preserving what we use to play and relax for the greater good. The picture painted by our paddle reflects the urgency that now, more than ever, is the time to help other communities understand.

Even urban islands of 1.6 million people, even centers of culture and finance, even Manhattan.

Cameron Dube is an outdoor educator and avid paddler based near the Ottawa River. He loves Starbucks. 

This article on big city perspective was published in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Adventure Kayak magazine.This article first appeared in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.

Editorial: Dating Secrets for Sea Kayakers

Photo: Vince Paquot
Editorial: Dating Secrets for Sea Kayakers

My first kayaking mentor called them Dates from the Dock.

Paddling moves so eye-catching, so linger-and-watch-awhile eccentric that some didn’t even involve paddling. Skills that were strange, but in a good way, like Ellen Page’s deadpan quips in Juno or Reese Witherspoon’s legal methodology in Legally Blonde.

Preoccupied with the only relationship that mattered just then—between the kayak and myself—waterfront seduction was furthest from my mind. Still, I practiced diligently.

Awkward, one-armed high brace turns eventually transformed into gracefully edged parabolas while I waved coquettishly to imaginary suitors. I sculled ever closer to the water until I could dip all the way down for a drink and then, lips pursed and cheeks puffed, squirt it skyward like a Roman fountain. My angel roll approached something almost angelic. Venus de Milo riding a kayak instead of a seashell.

Since those early revelations, I’ve heard messing around like this in your kayak called many different things, and seen it taught and practiced by some of the best instructors and paddlers.

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“I realize now that Dates from the Dock was just a ploy to divert my attention.”

BCU Senior Coach Derek Hutchinson is a proponent of moves like the aforementioned, one-armed high brace turn (a.k.a. Hutchinson Turn) because, he says, they get paddlers “beyond the cockpit” and experimenting with greater boat lean and edging. The legendarily dogmatic Hutchinson should know—he penned the first book on sea kayak education (The Complete Book of Sea Kayaking, now in its 5th edition), has designed over a dozen kayaks (maybe even yours—paddle a Current Designs Gulfstream, Sirocco or Andromeda?) and is regarded by many as the Father of Modern Sea Kayaking.

Sea Kayak Baja Mexico and Columbia River Kayaking owner/operator Ginni Callahan advocates jousting with pool noodles whilst standing in cockpits.“Games are a great way to practice skills and get more comfortable with the water,” she says, “as well as good exercise for the paddling and laugh muscles.”

Case in point: For the better part of a decade, Michigan-based instructor, kayak impresario and occasional stand-up comedian Kelly Blades’ kayak play workshops have drawn euphoric crowds at symposiums across the country. Participants take a break from bracing drills, video analyses and stroke improvement clinics to clamber around on the decks of their kayaks, spin around in their cockpits and—a move too often shunned by serious sea kayakers—splash frequently and spectacularly into the water.

I realize now that Dates from the Dock was just a ploy to divert my attention while the practical skills underlying each party trick developed unbidden.

Perhaps the only thing such shows of panache haven’t succeeded at (in my experience, at least) is seducing an actual date off the dock.

Virginia Marshall is Adventure Kayak’s senior editor. 

This article on learning skills in unique ways was published in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Adventure Kayak magazine.This article first appeared in the Summer/Fall 2011 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.











Bluewater Holster Gear Review

Photo: Bluewater
Bluewater Holster Gear Review

This gear review was originally published in Adventure Kayak magazine.

This clever setup is designed to keep your spare paddle where it belongs—on your deck, within easy reach of the cockpit. Attached via the decklines, Bluewater Kayak Work’s Stick Holster’s low profile design is secure and fits both Greenland and Euro-style two-piece paddles. The kit also includes a sheet of yak armor to protect your deck’s finish from abrasion. 

This article originally appeared in Adventure Kayak, Fall 2011. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.

Stohlquist Rashguard Gear Review

Photo: Stohlquist

This gear review was originally published in Adventure Kayak magazine.

New for the 2011 paddling season, Stohlquist has released a line of stylish rashguards. The Burnout is available in long- and short-sleeved options with an athletic fit and funky graphics— flowers for the ladies, tribal inspired designs for the gents. The tops are rated UPF 50+ for maximum sun protection and feature durable stitch construction to avoid premature wear at the seams. Heads, arms and legs sold separately. 

$35–$40 | www.stohlquist.com 

This article originally appeared in Adventure Kayak, Fall 2011. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.