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San Joaquin’s South Fork Descent

Photo: Darin McQuoid
San Joaquin’s South Fork Descent

Carving a descent through 6,200 feet of unyielding granite, water from the South Fork San Joaquin has earned a reputation for being the hardest working water in the world. On its turbulent journey, the water is reused nine times as the river runs a gauntlet of lakes, tunnels and powerhouses all part of the Big Creek Hydroelectric Project. Construction of Big Creek began in 1912 and the last powerhouse at Balsam Meadow, built in 1987, is 1,000 feet underground and carved from solid granite. Big Creek, California’s largest hydro project, swallows all but a trickle of the South Fork’s aquamarine waters.

Information regarding the project is held as tightly as the hold on water flows. In late August, American Whitewater volunteer Paul Martzen heard rumours of a release. 

“The hydro project had to move more water than they could get through the generators,” explained Martzen. Thirsty farmers down the valley meant water in the South Fork, and a shot at a first descent. The flow window would be brief and uncertain—the release starting on the Friday of Labour Day weekend. “My contact was fairly sure that the release would last through Sunday.”

With a three-day window, a group of four California and Oregon kayakers decided to go for it. Ben Stookesberry, Darin McQuoid and Matt Thomas drove through the night to meet with Kevin Smith for a once-in-a-lifetime assault on the river.

“It was no surprise that we had to portage large sections of Mono Creek, a small tributary inundated by 500 cubic feet per second,” says Smith. “The Middle Fork San Joaquin is known as the hardest run in California, but the South Fork takes everything about it to the next level.”

The run is filled with inescapable granite gorges, mandatory class V+ rapids, complex portages and pure wilderness scenery. For the first three days the group was surprised at how much they paddled, but late into day three it was painfully obvious they wouldn’t get out in the alloted time.

“Large sieves made us leave river level and portage over gorges,” says Thomas. Increasingly numerous and treacherous portages made for slow progress. As three days stretched to four, Big Creek’s gates closed and the South Fork eased back underground into restless hiding.

 “The South Fork San Joaquin is the hardest of the High Sierras,” says Stookesberry. “It’s an absolute classic multi-day.” 

Too bad it’s gone.

This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Rapid

This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Rapid Magazine.


Editorial: I Hope I Never Learn

Photo: Scott MacGregor
Editorial: I Hope I Never Learn

Days before, local reports on the Marmora Area Canoe and Kayak Festival website said Beaver Creek was still frozen. At 3 p.m. when we finally arrive, however, the water beneath the take-out bridge is running high and fast.

We head to the put-in eight kilometres upstream—no shuttle arranged, agreeing that we’ll walk back to the truck if we have to.

The Beaver is considered an intermediate to advanced class III-IV run, one you could run in four hours but typically stretch to a full day. Now 3:30 on a cold, sleeting early spring afternoon, we need to hustle to get down before dark.

At the bottom of Triple Drop, the first significant rapid, the Beaver slips away from us beneath a layer of spongy ice. The half-frozen crust is thick enough to support the surface area of our boats, but not enough that we can walk on top without falling through. After a kilometre of poling with paddles and swinging our boats beneath our arms as if on parallel bars, we face an icy crossroads.

Straight ahead as far as we can see is another 500 metres of ice. To the right a flooded but open channel dekes into the woods. We figure with the 50-year record high water and the constriction of ice below, this temporary channel will link back to the Beaver’s main flow.

After the first couple kilometres of fast-moving class I and II we know we’ve left the Beaver for good. We also know that we are well past the point of no return. Joking of a new first descent, we continue threading our way down through flooded hardwood forest.

Finally, at the intersection of an old train bridge and hydro line corridor, we climb up to take a look. Beyond the bridge the swollen creek feeds through dense bush, thick and constrictive as a kitchen strainer.

We guess we have an hour of daylight left, tops. Eating the last of our lunches and weighing our options, we thank God that our wives and girlfriends aren’t here. Infrequent faint rumbling of heavy equipment off to the right urges us to begin dragging our boats in this direction, away from the river.

By the time we reach a log landing, the skidder crews have long gone home. We continue hiking, boats now scraping along a muddy bush road, until we reach the end of a country road and the home of Dianne MacDonald. Dianne is feeding her birds when her flashlight bounces off the reflective strips on my drysuit.

“Are you guys kayakers?”


“What in Lord’s name are you doing in my yard?”

Too difficult to explain.

Dianne feeds us cookies and hot tea, loads us in the back of her deceased husband’s Dodge Dakota and drives us 22 kilometres back to where we had set off to almost run the Beaver.

Hunkered down out of the wind and sleet we’re giddy with our good fortune. It turns out that continuing past the bridge would have meant two kilometres of bush-crashing leading into a 100-acre swampy meadow. Dragging our boats in the other direction would have taken us down 16 kilometres of snowmobile trails before reaching Beaver Creek.

Even with a river full of ice, missing the run entirely, hiking out in the dark and hitching a ride with a kindly widow, we agree this is river running at its best—exploration, camaraderie and adventure. You just don’t find this in a man-made whitewater park.

“I certainly hope you boys have learned your lesson,” Dianne warns, waving and driving away.

“Oh yes, ma’am,” we shout. Knowing full well we haven’t.

Scott MacGregor is the publisher of Rapid, Adventure Kayak, Canoeroots and Kayak Angler magazine. This year on the Beaver he’ll be carrying a compass and wearing shoes.

This article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of RapidThis article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Rapid Magazine.


Baja Bound: Planning the Perfect Baja Getaway

All photos this page: Gary Luhm
Baja Bound: Planning the Perfect Baja Getaway

The Baja Peninsula is a 1,000-mile-long invitation to adventure. In places you can stand on mountaintops and see both the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez. The Pacific coast is where expedition paddler Dan Kennedy broke his nose over the deck of his Nordkapp while landing through surf. The Sea of Cortez is where most sea kayak companies run trips.

The Sea of Cortez is the world’s youngest and richest ocean at about 100 miles wide. The Guaymas trench, in roughly the middle, plunges nearly a mile deep and contains belching volcanic and hydrothermal vents which support life based on hydrogen sulfide instead of sunlight. That discovery was a major shift in our understanding of what makes life possible.

Baja seems to be a place of new perspectives, a place of opening. Something moves people. Is it the incredible scale of the landscape? The inspiring tenacity of the plants and intertidal life? The hugeness and mystery of the whales? Is it what a vacation does to people?

Those who are tuned into energy fields say that between the coastal Sierra de la Giganta mountains and the islands near Loreto is a basin for catching energy. No matter how you look at it, the view from Carmen Island stirs the soul as the evening sun works its way over the peaks and long rays pick out Los Tres Reyes and other spires in turn.

There are four ways to trip in Baja with something for every type of paddler: destination trips, mini expeditions, road trips and full-on expeditions. Here’s a sampler with a taste of each so you can dream and plan your own perfect Baja trip.


Screen_Shot_2015-07-24_at_11.33.22_AM.pngDestination trips are the most straightforward, where you launch and land in roughly the same place and paddle around for a week or so in between. popular destinations include three national marine parks with islands: Bahia de Los angeles—or Bay of L.A. — (1,013 km or 630 road miles from Tijuana), Bahia de Loreto (1,700 km or 1,100 miles) and Espiritu Santo (near La Paz, 2,414 km or 1,500 miles). Recently protected for their uniqueness, fragility and abundance of life, these parks also manage kayakers. Permits can be bought in the park office in the respective towns.

Sample trip: Circumnavigate Carmen Island, Loreto
Access: Loreto International Airport. Recommended launch: Puerto Escondido, 24 km (15 miles) south of town via taxi.
Kayaks: local rentals to appropriately skilled individuals; custom guided trips; scheduled outfitter trips.
Length: 120 km (65 nautical miles), 8–10 paddling days.
Permits: Parque Nacional Bahia de Loreto.
Highlights: White limestone fossil formations on the south end of the island and in Marquer Bay, historic salt village, spectacular geology on the rugged northeast end, excellent wildlife viewing opportunities.
Experience Sez: the steep north end is exposed to wind and swell. Choose your weather window wisely for this crux move—it’s 37 km (20 nautical miles) between protected landings. On calm days, access can be had at four or five beaches along the way. Carry water, organize a resupply boat, desalinate, or take your chances at the salt village or from yachts.


Mini expeditions go a short distance, so the shuttle constitutes less than 50 per cent of the travel budget and adventure quota. The most popular and accessible mini expedition is Loreto to La paz, or variations thereof.

Sample trip: Loreto to la Paz
Access: international airports in Loreto
and La Paz; regular buses between. Recommended launch: Puerto Escondido (24 km or 15 miles south of town) or Agua Verde (80 km or 50 miles south), via taxi which can carry kayaks.
Recommended pick-up: Punta Coyote, almost 97 km (60 miles) north of La Paz.
Kayaks: Custom guided trips; scheduled outfitter trips; rentals in Loreto or La Paz to appropriately skilled individuals.
Length: Agua Verde to Punta Coyote: 130 km (70 nautical miles). Puerto Escondido to Punta Coyote: 180 km (100 nautical miles). Loreto to La Paz: 300 km (160 nautical miles), 8–14 days.
Permits: Parque Nacional Bahia de Loreto, perhaps Parque Nacional Espiritu Santo
Highlights: Solitude, mountains and sea. Agua Verde to Punta Coyote is uninhabited coast except for a few fishing villages.
Experience Sez: it’s remote! Play conservatively. Filter the water you get at Timbabichi, Los Dolores or Los Burros. San Evaristo has a desalinization plant, a very basic grocery store, and cold beer.


Road trips have the fun of exploring Baja by land as well as sea and target paddling destinations along the way. This has been my favorite method of exploring.

Sea of Cortez road tripping destinations include Bahia de Los Angeles and Bahia de Concepcion. Pacific destinations: La Bufadora and Asuncion.

Sample trip: Coast to coast
Access: Drive from the border
Kayaks: BYOB or rent from San Diego–based Aqua Adventures
Length: 10+ days
Permits: Bay of L.A. Buy permits at park office.
Highlights: it’s the journey! Driving attractions include the Valle de los Cirios (strangest plants on the planet) and the Viscaino Biosphere reserve. Bay of L.A.: Coronado island volcano hike, island hopping, and floating rocks. Bahia Concepcion: protected waters, sandy beaches, nighttime bioluminescence, hot springs. La Bufadora and Asuncion: world class pacific surf and rock gardening. La Bufadora is featured in the video This is the Sea 4.
Experience Sez: prepare your vehicle; carry tools and spare parts. Be thoroughly versed in pacific surf before tackling La Bufadora or Asuncion. Lock your vehicle or leave it with someone you trust.


Screen_Shot_2015-07-24_at_11.33.52_AM.pngExpeditions commit serious time to travelling by sea. Paddling the length of the sea of Cortez often begins in unremarkable san Filipe. “The only reason people start at san Filipe is to say they did the whole thing,” declared expedition paddler Dan Kennedy after starting there three times.

Expeditions come with a bonus shuttle adventure. For example, according to Jen Kleck of aqua adventures, “a couple recently paddled the length of Baja and found transport back to San Diego for them and their kayaks in a semi heading north empty. They made this connection at the Costco loading dock in Cabo. A couple of guys heading to Mulege have arranged transport back north with a gringo who owns a hotel in Mulege.”

Sample trip: San Felipe to Cabo San Lucas
Access: get creative on this one. Have a friend drop you off in San Filipe and figure it out in Cabo. Or just stay.
Kayaks: BYOB.
length: about 1,300 km (700 nautical miles), 3 months.
Permits: Check in at park offices as you pass by. To fish, you need licenses for both your kayak and yourself. Ask at the park offices about where to buy.
Highlights: living with the rhythms of the sea and its animals, remote sections nobody else bothers to do the logistics for.
Experience Sez: a basic command of Spanish would be really helpful.

Ginni Callahan is the founder of Columbia river Kayaking and Sea Kayak Baja Mexico. She teaches and guides during summer on the Lower Columbia River and during winter in Baja, Mexico.

Screen_Shot_2015-07-24_at_8.38.49_AM.pngThis article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.

Family Planning: Kayaking for All Ages

Photo: Dave Quinn
Family Planning: Kayaking for All Ages

AGES 0–2: There is no such thing as too young. However, the safety considerations you would use on your own trips are magnified when a baby is involved. Small people are far more susceptible to hypo- and hyperthermia. All decisions revolve around keeping the baby warm (but not too warm) and dry. Put the baby in a sling to keep it close, or in your lap or on a foam pad on the cockpit floor. Use a large towel or umbrella for sun or drizzle protection.

Capsizing is not an option. Plan routes to minimize risk: no large crossings, close to shore, lots of spots to land and camp.

AGES 3–9: Michael Pardy, owner/operator of SKILS kayak and leadership school, saw the birth of his son Rowan not as the end of his paddling career, but as the addition of a new paddling partner.

“I never wanted rowan to remember his first time in a kayak. I wanted paddling to just simply be a part of his life,” explains Pardy.“So we have been paddling with Rowan since he could sit in our laps.”

Today, Rowan Jones-Pardy has spent more time in a kayak than just about any 11-year-old. The centre hatch of a tandem is where rowan spent much of his time on the water.

Pardy tries to include other families and friends in his and Rowan’s kayaking experiences, both for company for rowan and to help share the workload. The right boat helps, too. “The Current Designs Libra has a huge center hatch that allows kids room to move around, entertain themselves and be more comfortable.”

Pardy stresses the need to choose trips appropriate to this setup, keeping in mind that there is no spray skirt on the center hatch. “Obviously you can’t go out into conditions with large waves or exposed waters, but at this age the point is simply to get out on the water with your kids.”

AGES 9 AND UP: Once they’ve developed basic paddling skills, as well as some strength and confidence, it’s time to get them into their own cockpit: the bow of a tandem or a small, properly fitted solo boat. Plan routes with many options to keep beach playtime long and paddling time short—an hour max on the water before and after lunch.

Consider a water taxi. If they don’t want to paddle, head
 for camp, hook up a tow, or take over in the stern. You may cover less ground than when they were just a toddler along for the ride. Have patience, and you may hear the words every paddling parent dreams of: “Where are we going next year?” 


Tea towel: For shade or to cool toddlers, or clean up unexpected eruptions.

Camp crafts: A small canoe paddle is ideal. Decorate it on a weather-bound day. Or tie a plastic fish to it so they can “fish” en route.

Cloth diapers: Simply rinse and air out on deck for reuse on long trips.

Hammock time: Critical for naptime—for both parents and kids.

Baby sling: great for toddlers and small children to keep close to mom or dad in the boat, or to free hands around camp (nurturedcub.ca).

Tarp: A good tarp is a fort, a mudroom, a shaded sanctuary, and a dry haven all in one. It keeps dirt out of the tent and provides a sheltered all-weather play area.

Friends: Yours and theirs. Other families help share the load and share the fun. If your kids are having fun, so are you.

Beach camps: Choose a nice flat, mellow, kid-friendly beach camp.

Backpack: Give your child their own daypack with their toys, sunhat, warm clothes and other gear. This helps build independence.

Umbrella: Great for sun and rain. 

Screen_Shot_2015-07-24_at_8.38.49_AM.pngThis article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.

Rock the Boat: A Line in the Sand

Illustration: Lorenzo Del Bianco
Rock the Boat: A Line in the Sand

From a perch on a rocky breakwater, I once watched a transient orca pod driving in a lone minke, the violent attack sending whitewater spray over a gathering crowd. The orcas ate only a portion of the small unfortunate whale, then moved on.

Kayakers are just as transient and yet we defend our turf with much the same vigour as the orca might if some other pod came along for a nibble. We travel in small family pods much like our orca buddies, seeking not minke, but a reconnect with the natural world—some minute patch, a scrap untouched, wilds to call our own. The question is: Can we truly expect to find solitude in a ma- rine park setting? Claiming small islands and beachfront properties, and then acquiring expectations of unwritten exclusivity in such a setting: is this realistic?

I landed on an unseasonably warm April day at the penthouse of all the islands located in a West Coast marine park. I got out of my kayak, the water translucent emerald green, and alas, some people had beaten my group to this gem. Oh well. We didn’t really expect to get this particular island to ourselves. With most of the beach cov- ered in logs, a bigger group had laid claim to the meadow above. A single tent appeared tucked in the far corner of the beach.

We settled into unloading gear, and who should happen by but the owner of the lone tent—someone we knew from home. I approached him with my usual open hand and good nature.“What a great surprise!” An evening of comfortable chatting by our campfire waits, I thought. But this was not to be. He watched, he waited and when we had set up our camp in its entirety, the barrage ensued.

For setting up camp beside him, he called me a bully and insensitive, and insinuated that my friends and I had paddled all the way there with the purpose to ruin his time on “his” island. He had been there over a week and said we should move away. I found out that the group in the meadow was leaving in the morning. There was our answer! I would relocate after a day-paddle, and that would get our group out of his hair the next morning.

The negotiations were not going well. None of our apologetic solutions were good enough. He wanted us gone! He was insistent that we go someplace else, but where, as now it was well and truly dark? He returned to his tent, dissatisfied. The mood in our camp dropped like a stone. We were astonished at the behaviour. How could he be so unfriendly? What was the big deal? Weren’t we all friends, and why had he taken up three campsites for one person? He had spread out his gear as if to say,“There is not room at the inn.”

The next morning brought a new angle on his tirade. Now we had ruined his lay-in. I left my buddy to play diplomat as I walked up the beach to get some fresh air. We left for our paddle with our plans intact to move to the meadow. Returning, we found the island vacant. The meadow dwellers had jumped on water taxis and zoomed away. Our grumpy neighbour was also gone and could be seen paddling across the channel, leaving a final list of grievances scribbled on a bit of paper pinned to one of our tents. 

The episode left me feeling downhearted. We had encroached on this guy’s minke, I accept that. However, it is a marine park, a public park after all. To expect it to be absent of public is ridiculous!

In my years of travelling by kayak, I have been in similar situa- tions. Every time I have been greeted warmly and enjoyed memorable experiences due to my courteous approach to nibbling the other pod’s minke.

Be open to your new neighbours paddling into “your” islands. Remember we are all in it for the same reasons, and that commonality should bring us together, pod to pod. Share and share alike in the great “public” outdoors. There is enough minke whale to go around!

David Barnes is an artist on Saltspring Island, British Columbia, whose latest kayaking memoir is titled Dreaming in NuchatLitz. 

Screen_Shot_2015-07-24_at_8.38.49_AM.pngThis article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.

A Kayaker’s Seven Steps to Survival

Photo: Tim Shuff
A Kayaker’s Seven Steps to Survival

In an emergency that leaves you stranded or incapacitated, use your head and follow these seven universal survival steps from former Alaska kayak guide and search and rescue team member tom Watson. (To remember the seven steps, use the acronym KISSWEP.) 

Know that you are in trouble. Acceptance is the first step to developing your best survival tool: a positive mental attitude.

Assess the immediate area for further danger; assess for injuries to self and others; assess the surroundings for resources you can use in the following steps.

Keep dry and warm. Hypothermia is a constant threat. Building a fire is secondary if bad weather is near. Once shelter is secure, work on the fire!

Use anything that draws attention and stands out in contrast to background or surroundings. Develop several ways to be seen: bright clothes, fires by night, smoke by day, signal mirrors.

Find it, purify it and drink it—often. Look for dew on leaves, grass, or rainwater runoff. Filter all ground-source water if you can.

You need food for fuel. Consider berries, some barks, tide pool critters. But if you don’t know what it is, don’t eat it! And don’t eat much if you don’t have water as well.

Yes, play, not pray. games help to keep spirits up. Unless it’s dangerous, it’s best to stay put and keep a positive mental attitude. focus on rescue. Be a survivor! 

Screen_Shot_2015-07-24_at_8.38.49_AM.pngThis article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.

A Midwinter Night’s Dream: Beat The Winter Blues By Planning A Big Expedition

Photo: Dave Aharonian
A Midwinter Night's Dream: Beating the Winter Blues

1. Go around the Rock

Newfoundland escaped the radar of most expedition kayakers until recently. Wendy Killoran became the first woman to circumnavigate the Rock in 2006, and last summer Greg Stamer planned a “fast and exciting” trip around North America’s easternmost landmass. After paddling the 2,100 kilometres in a rocket-fast 44 days, Stamer reflected, “I’m not sure what was most impressive, the coastline and wildlife…or the hospitality of the Newfoundlanders.” Expect big water crossings, Norway-like fjords and copious amounts of granite—but also sweeping sand beaches and some of the friendliest people on earth.
Get inspired: gregstamer.com

2. Circumnavigate the Sunshine State

“If you want to test yourself against everything Mother Nature has to throw at you, you have found the way.” So begins the description of the Ultimate Florida Challenge, a 1,920-kilometre race around Florida that’s organized by WaterTribe, a speed-crazed small-boat marathon outfit. For mere mortals, it’s pos- sible to sea kayak Florida’s diverse coastline of mangroves, manatees, beaches and paradisiacal islands with far less suffering. The 26-segment, 2,350-kilometre-long Florida Saltwater Paddling Trail runs from Pensacola to Fort Clinch on the Georgia border, and includes the Florida Keys.
Get inspired: floridapaddlingtrails.com

3. Paddle an Inland Ocean

In 2003, Nancy Uschold, co-owner of Marquette, Michigan’s Sea Kayak Specialists, took the summer off to paddle around the lake that sits at her doorstep. Her 1,820-kilometre journey around Lake Superior linked some of her favourite paddling destinations, like the isolated beaches of Ontario’s Pukaskwa National Park and the oxidized cliffs of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. “I was lucky to have a summer that, though cold, foggy and rainy early on, had very few storms,” Uschold wrote. “I only took one weather day in 10 weeks—unheard of on Lake Superior!”
Get inspired: Superior: Journeys on an Inland Sea, by Gary and Joanie McGuffin. Boston Mills Press, 1995.

4. Explore a Watery Eden

The roots of North American sea kayaking can be traced to the Inside Passage from Alaska’s Glacier Bay to Seattle. Mountainous islands scrape the sky and shield paddlers from Pacific swells but also create tricky currents and gusty winds. Orca whales mark the top of one of the world’s most productive marine food chains and grace the totem poles of a rich First Nation seafaring culture. Since the early 1970s, the 2,000-kilometre route has become a rite of passage for countless paddlers. Most inspiring is Audrey Sutherland, a grandmother who has logged thousands of Inside Passage miles. Her motto: “go simple, go solo, go now.”

Get inspired: Kayaking the Inside Passage, by Robert Miller. Countryman Press, 2005.

Screen_Shot_2015-07-24_at_8.38.49_AM.pngThis article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine.

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Editorial: From the Seat of a Kayak, Looking Out

Photo: Rob Howard
Editorial: From the Seat of a Kayak, Looking Out

Publishers often send us new kayaking books to review. When I got Jon Bowermaster’s latest from National Geographic, Descending the Dragon: My Journey Down the Coast of Vietnam, I was struck by something very odd. I counted 78 photographs between the covers, exactly six of which showed any sign of the paddlers or their kayaks. That’s less than eight per cent of the images in a kayaking book having anything to do with kayaking. What’s going on?

The late photographer Galen Rowell wrote about a concept called “image maturity.” He said that when a subject is new to the audience, you offer them the photographic equivalent of a two-by-four to the head— obvious photos that are a direct depiction of the subject. In Rowell’s example, the popular photo for stories about Nepal trekking in the 1980s was a portrait of a Sherpa. In recent years, editors passed over that image for ones that they previously thought “too subtle.” As trekking became more familiar, the maturing audience got the same message out of increasingly abstract pictures while the old images became ho-hum.

By this definition, Rob Howard’s photos in the Vietnam book are very mature. Like the one printed above, they are pictures of the world Bowermaster’s team saw from the seats of their kayaks. Images of fishermen, streetside merchants, bicycles, fishing nets, floating villages, rowboats, bamboo boats, dogs, schoolgirls, war memorials, Buddhist monks, sandals, cows, jellyfish and pagodas. Images far more diverse and informa- tive than the so-called lifestyle photos in a kayaking magazine.

In Rowells term’s, this magazine has some growing up to do. Eighty per cent of the photographs in a typical issue of Adventure Kayak include kayaks. Rowell points out that image maturity is audience-dependent. Meaning that a subject’s enthusiasts, like the readers of a kayaking magazine, should be the most sophisticated audience—in theory the quickest to be turned off by a visual cliché. And yet we usually just bonk readers on the head with pictures of kayaks.

But I’m not just talking about photos. Bowermaster’s text, too, focuses on the people, the politics and the culture of Vietnam, not the usual trip details of paddling, eating and weather. Bowermaster sees himself as a journalist first and a paddler second. He calls kayaks floating ambassadors. They’re a tool to see a place and meet its people.

I emailed Bowermaster with this observation and he replied, “I’m glad you got the message.” The message is a whole philosophy of travel, a way of being and seeing.

I’ll bet that many of you who read this magazine paddle for some other purpose—to fish, to bird-watch, to be at one with water and nature—and I hope we can speak to that motivation in pictures and in words, celebrating the world you see from your kayaks. Go kayaking. Lift your eyes from the cockpit and take a look around. It’s beautiful out there.

Screen_Shot_2015-07-24_at_8.38.49_AM.pngThis article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Adventure Kayak Magazine. For more great content, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.

Boat Review: The Nemo by Kayakpro

Photos Neil Schulman
Boat Review: The Nemo by Kayakpro

The Nemo is the first sea kayak from New York–based racing-kayak maker KayakPro. This striking design is made to look and be revolutionary by combining the speed of a racing boat with the stability and storage of a touring kayak.

According to Grayson Bourne of KayakPro, “The Nemo can be used as a racing boat due to its sleek profile and speed and the fact that it complies with USCA [U.S. Canoe Association] sea kayak criteria. However, it can also be used as a very fast touring boat, maximizing the distance that can be travelled.”

The Nemo’s long, sleek form, plumb bow and stern, cutaway deck and featherlight weight show its racing ancestry. Given its pedigree and 18-foot waterline, the Nemo turns suprisingly well. The hull shape is a rounded arch with significant flare that provides excellent secondary stability, allowing confident edging to initiate a turn. It carves smooth arcs best with offside strokes at a decent speed. And speed, of course, is its forte. The Nemo accelerates quickly and scoots along with barely a bow wake.

In wind of 10 to 15 knots, the Nemo turned to weather without corrective strokes or use of the rudder. The plumb bow keeps forward momentum and slices through waves rather than rising up and over, making for a wet ride. It surfs green waves well and has lots of speed to catch them, but like any boat with 18 feet of waterline, it tends to broach as waves steepen and break. With a low profile and decent thigh grips, the Nemo rolls ably.

A few missing features show a racing bias: absent are full perimeter deck lines, spare-paddle bungees, and the compass recess found on most sea kayaks. Also, the rudder cannot be deployed or retracted from the cockpit—a problem for rough landings, which KayakPro hopes to fix with an upgrade option later this year. Overall, however, KayakPro has successfully melded racing speed with rough-water performance and storage.

Designed for paddlers from 100 to 190 pounds, the Nemo will appeal to light- to medium-weight sea kayakers looking to extend their range or race as well as tour, and to racers looking to extend their paddling to overnight trips. It may draw some strange looks, but you’ll be able to leave the oglers well astern.



Plumb speedy

The plumb bow of the Nemo cuts the water quickly and is typical of fast racing hulls. What’s surprising is not that it’s fast, but how well such a long waterline carves a stable turn.

Back band freedom

The deep contoured racing seat holds the paddler very well (you won’t miss the back band) and is an inch or so higher than most sea kayak seats, adding power to strokes. It adjusts fore and aft for both comfort and trim. A gas-pedal rudder system attaches to a bar across the cockpit allowing a firm stroke foundation and multiple foot positions.

Decked out for speed

The Nemo’s deck shows its racing pedigree. The cutaway shape gets the deck out of the way for aggressive paddle plants. The non-recessed hatches make for a wetter ride, but are dry inside.


  • Length: 17 ft 11.5 in (547 cm)
  • Width: 21.5 in (54.7 cm)
  • Cockpit size: 32.1 x 17.7 in (45 x 81.5 cm)
  • Bow storage: 21 gal (80 L)
  • Stern storage: 29 US gal (110 L)
  • Total storage: 50 US gal (190 L)
  • Weight: 44 lbs (20 kg) fibreglass/carbon- Kevlar, 36.5 lbs (16.6 kg) carbon-Kevlar
  • MSRP: $3,200 US fibreglass/carbon-Kevlar $3,700 US carbon-Kevlar

Screen_Shot_2015-06-26_at_10.39.32_AM.pngThis article first appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of Adventure Kayak magazine. For more boat reviews, subscribe to Adventure Kayak’s print and digital editions here.

Editorial: One Trip Wonder

Photo: Peter Mather
Editorial: One Trip Wonder

Something valuable from my childhood canoe trips has been lost. It’s not the Swiss Army knife my dad gave me when I was nine (that’s lost too, but don’t tell him). It’s not the oversized poncho that was supposedly the only piece of raingear a growing canoeist needed (I finally outgrew it).

What’s lost is the single portage carry. Time was we would land at a portage, each paddler would shoulder a canoe or a pack and two paddles and walk the portage trail exactly once.

Canoe tripping should be about leaving not just civilization behind, but its trappings too.

Now we get to a portage and become beasts of burden. We hoist a pack full of video cameras, stoves, sleeping pads, hammocks, water filters, solar chargers, cameras and coffee makers. With knees about to hyperextend we bend over and collect a few handfuls of Pelican cases, water bottles and fishing rods before shuffling to the end of the portage. After dumping the first load we retrace our steps to see if the pile is any smaller. Countries have been invaded with less sophisticated supply lines than those on modern-day portage trails.

Ray Jardine would not approve. Jardine has sailed around the world, hiked the longest trails in America and once pioneered the world’s hardest rock climbs. He has sea kayaked the Northwest Passage and canoed many northern rivers including the Kazan and Coppermine.

Through it all he saw himself and others suffer from bent spines and cluttered campsites. In 1992 he self-published The Pacific Crest Trail Hiker’s Handbook, a trail guide that tells readers not just where to hike, but how to hike. Jardine thinks if hikers are carrying more than 12 pounds of gear they are missing the point and might as well stay home. Why bother lugging around a sleeping pad when you can sleep on “leaves, pine needles, and duff” he wonders.

No doubt most canoeists would dismiss that with a snort between laboured puffs into a full-length Therm-a-Rest (the one with a fuzzy top). But it wasn’t long ago that that was how it was done. Until I was 11, when I first saw the temptress that was a roll-up drybag, everything I needed for a canoe trip would fit into a bedroll that rolled up smaller than a rugby ball.

True, it was wound pretty tight, you wouldn’t want to be nearby when it sprang open, but everything I needed for two weeks of lake-hopping north of Superior was packed in the folds of that thin sleeping bag. Taking my reliance on gear as a measure, I was more of a man then than I am now, and I hadn’t even hit puberty yet.

I’ve since been so seduced by stuff sacks full of supposed essentials I’m little more than a burro on the portage trail and an equipment manager at the campsite. These aren’t roles that lend themselves to enjoying the outdoors. Canoe tripping should be about leaving not just civilization behind, but its trappings too.

As Jay Morrison points out in his feature on shedding pounds, the ability to reclaim a fast and light style of travel in the wilderness requires just a little discipline. I’m going to take his advice and try to be more like my friend Dave. When we paddled the French River over Thanksgiving a few years ago Dave showed up with a drybag not much bigger than my bedroll of yore. I think he enjoyed the trip, but I can’t be sure; I was too busy fussing with gear to notice.

If I ever find my Swiss Army knife, I hope I have the sense to leave it behind in favour of a knife that doesn’t have a corkscrew, magnifying glass and toothpick.  

This article on portaging was published in the Fall 2008 issue of Canoeroots magazine.

This article first appeared in the Fall 2008 issue of Canoeroots Magazine.