National Geographic Adventurers of the Year

Adventure educators Dave and Amy Freeman have been nominated as one of National Geographic’s 2014 Adventurers of the Year. The two canoed, kayaked, hiked and dog sledded just under 12,000 miles over three years in a bid to bring environmental awareness and education to school children. Their route took them through Inside Passage, across the Northwest Territories, through the Great Lakes, and down the East Coast of the U.S. Their epic journey ended early this spring. 

Their project, titled The North American Odyssey, was interactive and involved visiting schools and hosting assemblies along their route. Students could also track their progress online through their website. It’s estimated that their project reached a total of 85,000 kids. 

See Canoeroots’  Early Summer 2012 feature on Dave and Amy’s adventure in the feature story “School’s Out” here

You can also visit the National Geographic Adventurers of the Year web page to learn more and, while you’re there, vote to make Dave and Amy the People’s Choice.


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