Discovery Islands Kayak Trip

This kayak trip destination is excerpted from the “Killer Trips” feature in Adventure Kayak magazine. 


Okisollo Channel, British Columbia

Choking the passage between Vancouver Island and mainland British Columbia, the Discovery Islands constrict tidal flows; at times producing “some of the most fearsome tidal rapids in the world” according to surf kayak world champion Sean Morley. Off the northeast corner of Quadra Island, Upper Okisollo Rapid’s green wave is a premiere destination for hardcore kayak surfers when the flood current is less than eight knots, but on the largest tides 13-knot currents create a 10-foot crashing wave and menacing eddies that are unmanageable for even the strongest paddlers. Just south of Okisollo, the giant whirlpools that form in the narrow entrance to Hole in the Wall can reach hundreds of meters across.


This article is a sneak preview from the Early Summer 2013 issue of Adventure Kayak. Download our free iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch App or Android App or read it here.


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