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Beijing Calling

man paddles a kayak in front of a large container ship in British Columbia
Wherever you choose to go, there's more than one way to get there. | Feature photo: Frank Wolf

The last few years made a pretty strong argument for building paddlecraft right here in North America. First came a trade war ratcheting U.S. import tariffs on kayaks and inflatable boats from China up to as high as 27.4 percent. Then came Covid and a near-total collapse of the global supply chain.

Sticking with the home team was absolutely the right call back then. But how about now?

Beijing Calling

The supply chain is stitched up and seems to be holding together. Shipping is down too. According to the online freight marketplace Freightos, sending a 40-foot container from China to the U.S. west coast this month will cost you less than $1,400, down from a peak of $20,600 in September 2021.

And have you heard about the Chinese economy? It’s gone from bad to worse, meaning Chinese manufacturers are looking to deal like never before.

man paddles a kayak in front of a large container ship in British Columbia
Wherever you choose to go, there’s more than one way to get there. | Feature photo: Frank Wolf

“The Chinese economy is reeling right now, and that’s going to make those suppliers really sharpen up their pencils,” says Ed Vater, the former Branches president who guided the Wisconsin-based paddlemaker to record profits during the Pandemic, thanks to a relatively short supply chain and an agile homegrown workforce.

When demand shot through the roof in 2020 and 2021 and paddlesports importers could do little more than yell into the phone, Vater walked onto the production floor and started stamping out paddles, alongside his wife and kids. In fact, many Branches employees brought family members on board for what they thought would be a temporary surge in production.

Asian suppliers surged too, but not so quickly. And the products they did manage to produce often sat offshore for weeks in those $20,000 containers. Then, when they finally managed to unload, the taxman was waiting to collect the import duty because nobody has called a truce in the trade war.

All of those factors lined up in favor of domestic manufacturing during the Pandemic, but there are some signs the pendulum is beginning to swing in the other direction.

More than one way to get there

A Made in U.S.A. or Made in Canada badge is good for the brand here in North America, but few consumers choose a boat solely on where it was made. The choice typically comes down to quality and price—factors depending more on a brand’s priorities and management than country of origin.

North America never had a monopoly on quality, and cheap kayaks aren’t only made in Asia. Indeed, the majority of price-point hard-shell kayaks crowding box store shelves are now made on this side of the Pacific. Sun Dolphin molds kayaks in Michigan, Lifetime in Utah and Pelican in Quebec. In our globally integrated world, a better predictor of quality is not where you choose to build, but what you’re willing to pay and how well you manage the process.

Homegrown manufacturing works for Jackson Kayak, which makes whitewater, fishing and recreational kayaks in Sparta, Tennessee, but it may not be the solution for everyone.

Sending a 40-foot container from China to the U.S. west coast this month will cost you less than $1,400, down from a peak of $20,600 in September 2021.

“When it comes down to China versus the U.S., there’s not one right answer or wrong answer,” says Marketing Manager Emily Jackson. Still, having design, production and quality control under one roof can pay dividends in unexpected ways. “We have over 200 people on our team,” Jackson says, and enough of them are boaters that when Jackson Kayak rolls out a new product, someone who punches a clock in the Sparta factory is likely among the first to paddle it. “That really allows us to see the problems faster, not just in the factory but on the water,” Jackson says.

Keeping innovation in-house

There’s also something to be said for keeping an eye on the door, lest your design walk out of it. Or as Vater puts it, “How special is your secret sauce?”

If you’re cooking up something new or different, it may be a good idea to keep a lid on it. That’s more difficult in China, where the culture and law take a more permissive view of intellectual property. Vater offers the hockey stick trade as a cautionary tale.

“Nobody making a hockey stick has really got any technology over anybody else,” says Vater, who in 2002 helped guide Bending Branches out of the hockey business to focus solely on paddles. “When that happens it’s really just marketing and selling a commodity. It’s deadly to brands and nobody invests in the sport anymore,” he says. Two decades on, 75 percent of the hockey sticks used in NHL games are made in China. And the rest? Mexico.

Why I make kayaks in China

Corran Addison sits on a log while wearing sunglasses and holding something
Corran Addison

“We were producing our Soul Waterman kayaks in China and getting a top-quality product, but a few years ago some of our U.S. customers told us they didn’t want to buy Chinese-made kayaks. They wanted to buy American-made kayaks, and they were vocal enough that we decided to do it.

We found a factory in the U.S. that sold us on their ability to make quality products and shipped all our molds to them—our whole production facility. A month and a half into it, they’re like, “Dude, we can’t make your boats. You either need to drop your standards or redesign them so they’re easier to make.”

I wasn’t about to do either of those things, so I moved to a factory in Canada. Same thing. Then I moved to another factory in the U.S., and then another, and it was the same with them. So finally I just moved everything back to China.

My supplier there said, “Tell us what you want and what your standards are. We’re going to charge you for it, but we’ll make it.”

The days of cheaper manufacturing in China are in the past. It costs me about 20 percent more to produce in China than the U.S. But I get the quality I want, and I get it on time.

Chinese goods have a bad reputation because people have long memories, and the stuff that was coming out of China 30 years ago was absolute rubbish. That’s no longer the case. I know because I’ve been making things in China for three decades and have seen the change in quality over that time.

The second part of that equation is, if you go to a dollar store and buy an item for a dollar and it breaks three days later, the reason it broke was not because it was made in China. It broke because it cost a dollar. What did you expect?

There are still factories in China that make dollar store junk. But your iPhone was made in China, and your laptop was made in China. The computer chips that are in your Maserati are made in China.

You don’t go to China to produce cheap stuff anymore. You go to China because the supply chain is there. Somebody in China makes every widget you need to build whatever you can imagine building, and the entire country is set up to get that widget to you as cheaply and as efficiently as possible. And then the infrastructure is in place to get your finished product onto a boat and on its way to your customers.

In fact most companies producing in North America use components that are made in China. If you’re going to wait for critical parts you need to come from China to build your product, you might as well build the whole thing there, which gives you flexibility as well as quality.”

— by Corran Addison, as told to Jeff Moag

Paddling Business cover mockupThis article was first published in the 2024 issue of Paddling Business. Inside you’ll find the year’s hottest gear for canoeing, kayaking, whitewater and paddleboarding. Plus: how to beat the big box, trends in kayak fishing instruction, building the Paddlesports Trade Coalition and more. READ IT NOW »

Wherever you choose to go, there’s more than one way to get there. | Feature photo: Frank Wolf


Enter For A Chance To Win The Sea Gods Carta Marina CX Touring iSUP

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Come As You Are: How Our Old Paddling Gear Tells The Stories Of Our Lives

black and white photo looking into a garage full of paddling gear at night with garage door open
“Buy less. Choose well. Make it last.” —Vivienne Westwood, British fashion designer | Feature photo: Scott MacGregor

Muriel was tapping her toe. Ninety-two-year-old Phil knew most of the words. The accordion player, who wasn’t a whole lot younger, was doing a decent job with Fats Domino’s “Blueberry Hill.” The rest of the residents who’d hobbled out of their rooms seemed to enjoy the Monday night entertainment.

The night before I was to emcee the premiere of the Paddling Film Festival, I was in a retirement home visiting my mom’s best high school friend. I had time to wonder: Why do old people all dress the same? When will I begin wearing pants with ironed creases down the front, collared button-down shirts, cardigans and lace-up leather shoes?

During the encore of “Hound Dog,” it finally occurred to me. This is probably what they’ve worn most of their adult lives. Since their best years. A time when Elvis was making movies. And what if it’s not just our wardrobes we’ll settle into during the good ol’ days, what if it’s our gear, too?

Come as you are: How our old paddling gear tells the stories of our lives

In my early 20s, I upgraded whitewater boats every spring. As a C1 paddler, building foam saddles with bread knives, rasps and contact cement was a commitment to skill acquisition at a time when I was on the water 125 days a year.

The last playboat I outfitted—and still paddle—was a Wave Sport Project, the spring it was released, 18 years ago. The same year, I bought—and am still wearing—a mango Kokatat drysuit. I’ve only ever owned one tripping canoe. I’m still packing my original blue barrel and harness. Paddling Magazine digital editor’s daily driver is a Dagger RPM. Really? “It’s a great boat,” says Joe. Editor Kaydi is paddling a long-defunct Dagger Phantom OC1 in a purple Lotus Designs PFD.

black and white photo looking into a garage full of paddling gear at night with garage door open
“Buy less. Choose well. Make it last.” —Vivienne Westwood, British fashion designer | Feature photo: Scott MacGregor

People think being a gearhead is about always having the coolest new things. Sure, it begins that way, when we start with nothing.

For a while, we trade up in quality, learn our styles and hone our brand loyalties. Used gear is sold to pay for the new. But eventually, we find what works and stick with it—sometimes forever.

I have bins of river shoes, pogies and base layers, just in case I need them. Let’s be honest, when will I ever need a holey pair of Five Ten Water Tennies? I know I’m not alone in this.

Fear and familiarity

Fear is another reason we hold onto gear too long. We fear the new version will not be as good. They don’t make them like they used to, we tell ourselves. What we have and know serves as a form of protection or security against the unknown.

Whatever the reasons, the longer we keep a patched-up boat or faded life jacket, the more sentimentally attached we become. Our gear is more than just physical stuff gathering dust in garage rafters and on hooks. Our gear becomes a manifestation of our emotions, beliefs, behaviors and memories locked inside the lids of plastic storage bins. Getting rid of a paddle, no matter how worn, is saying goodbye to an old friend.

Above all these emotional and psychological factors, I think we hold onto things because they provide us with a sense of comfort or familiarity. It reminds us of good times. When I had nothing better to do than outfit new C1s every spring.

I now understand men and women don’t one day wake up and begin dressing like old people; they dress as they have done since living their best days. So I had to smile while looking out into the sea of flannel shirts, Blundstones and flat-brimmed hats at the Paddling Film Festival sold-out show.

I can see me now. In the retirement home wearing Patagonia double-knee canvas work pants, hoodie, visor and Chums on my glasses. In my pocket is a Swiss army knife. Leaning in the corner of my room is my first canoe tripping paddle. On Monday night, I’ll be singing along with a guy in a sleeveless denim jacket covering Pearl Jam’s “Alive.”

“I, oh, I’m still alive
Hey I, oh, I’m still alive
Hey I, but, I’m still alive
Yeah I, ooh, I’m still alive
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.”

Scott MacGregor is the founder and publisher of Paddling Magazine.

Cover of the Spring 2024 issue of Paddling Magazine, Issue 71This article was first published in the Spring 2024 issue of Paddling Magazine. Subscribe to Paddling Magazine’s print and digital editions, or browse the archives.

“Buy less. Choose well. Make it last.” —Vivienne Westwood, British fashion designer | Feature photo: Scott MacGregor


Watch The World’s First Flying Canoe Take Off

Sometimes, procrastination is the mother of invention. Just ask Dermot MacDougall. The mechanical engineering technology student at Camosun College in Victoria, British Columbia, was avoiding thinking about his upcoming exams while listening to the 1986 hit song “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. You might remember it as the theme song in the original Top Gun film. As MacDougall’s mind wandered, an idea struck him: What if I could make my canoe fly?

Watch the world’s first flying canoe take off

Marrying his two passions of aviation and boating, he went home and made sketches of a canoe with hydrofoil wings. MacDougall had recently purchased a well-loved 18.5-foot fiberglass canoe for $75. Boats and boards are increasingly utilizing hydrofoils, but no one had yet put hydrofoils on a canoe, he thought.

In need of a capstone engineering project for his following term at college, he pitched the flying canoe idea to the faculty. “My first and second submissions lacked important details, so our professor sent me back to the drawing board twice before giving the project a green light,” he says.

man travels on a lake in a hydrofoil canoe with a Canadian flag on the back
College project takes flight. Literally. | Feature photo: Dermot MacDougall

MacDougall and his classmates worked tirelessly to bring the invention from idea to reality over four months. The design had three masts projecting into the water to hold the central and front hydrofoil wings in place. Two 6,000-watt electric motors, powered by three deep-cycle marine batteries, would give the canoe the power for lift off. Foot pedals controlled the forward mast rudders.

The flying canoe was a team effort and included classmates Trevor Stothard, Victoria Contreras, Fatima Alsoufi and Griffin Adams. Adams coined the canoe’s name, Millennium Phoenix, as a nod to the Star Wars spaceship and mythical bird that rose from ashes.

Millenium Phoenix makes its maiden flight

After months of revisions and redesign, MacDougall’s team and professors, Jeffrey Stevens and Richard Burman, launched the 750-pound canoe on Elk Lake. MacDougall piloted the vessel, feeling the weight of so much resting on this day. He nervously pressed the button to control the motors.

“I got jolted back, and everything was shaking as I gained speed. Water was lapping at the hull, and then it got dead quiet,” MacDougall said. “I heard my team cheering from another boat, and my professor’s voice came through my headset saying the words I’d been hoping for: Dry hull! The feeling of flying something I’d invented was surreal. I was about one foot out of the water, looking down at people in the safety boats. It was the best day of my life.”

“I got jolted back, and everything was shaking as I gained speed. Water was lapping at the hull, and then it got dead quiet.”

The Millennium Phoenix flew 10 times before eventually taking up residence in MacDougall’s driveway. It won the team bragging rights for the year’s best capstone project, literally soaring above the competition.

 As for MacDougall, once he completes his diploma in mechanical engineering at Camosun, he may seek funders to refine the design and commercialize it before proceeding to university for an engineering degree. He also wants to get his pilot’s license and has started concept drawings for an ultralight plane he hopes to pilot.

Cover of the Spring 2024 issue of Paddling Magazine, Issue 71This article was first published in the Spring 2024 issue of Paddling Magazine. Subscribe to Paddling Magazine’s print and digital editions, or browse the archives.

College project takes flight. Literally. | Feature photo: Dermot MacDougall


Sanborn Canoe Co. Announces Acquisition Of Grey Duck Outdoor

Winona, MN – Sanborn Canoe announces the acquisition of Twin Cities-based Grey Duck Outdoor. With the acquisition, the Sanborn family of brands now includes Sanborn Canoe Co., Merrimack Canoes, Current Designs and Grey Duck Outdoor.

Grey Duck Outdoor founder and owner, Rob Bossen, says, “We’re thrilled to be a part of the Sanborn family and look forward to continued growth with the Grey Duck brand over the coming years. The additional resources of the Sanborn team will enable Grey Duck to reach its long-term goals in ways that wouldn’t have been possible before.”

Sanborn Canoe Vice President Peter Boysen says, “We’re really excited to add Grey Duck into the growing family of Sanborn brands. We’re passionate about getting out on the water in ways that are both functional and inspiring, and Grey Duck SUPs and canoes fit that mission perfectly.”

About Grey Duck Outdoor

Grey Duck is a Minneapolis, Minnesota, based canoe and paddleboard manufacturer, focused on building products that allow each of us to live our adventure. They believe in reconnecting with nature, time with family and friends, and exploring often. Learn more at greyduckoutdoor.com.

About Sanborn Canoe Co.

Sanborn Canoe Co. is a leading manufacturer of handcrafted canoes, paddles and outdoor gear, based in Winona, Minnesota. With a commitment to quality craftsmanship and a passion for outdoor adventure, Sanborn Canoe Co. strives to provide customers with premium products that enhance their outdoor experiences. Learn more at sanborncanoe.com.

15 Of The Most Beautiful Places To Paddle In The World

Blue waters and yellow hills in New Zealand
Feature photo: Benjamin Kraus/Unsplash

The question we faced in curating this article was simple: how to list the most beautiful places to paddle in the world without playing favorites?

To create a more objective tally, we focused on both beauty and diversity. In just about every example, our 15 greatest destinations have a variety of types of scenery and paddling opportunities for canoeists, kayakers and rafters—as well as options for a wide range of skill levels. There’s always room for improvement, but we feel like the results come close to the ultimate paddler’s bucket list.


canoeists paddle on a misty Ontario lake in Algonquin Park
Photo: Simone Wessels-Bloom/Unsplash

1 Ontario

Call us biased, but we believe Rapid Media’s home province easily ranks among the most beautiful places to paddle in the world. From the vast horizons of the Great Lakes to wilderness rivers and immense networks of freshwater lakes, there’s something for every paddler in Ontario.

Lake Superior is a world-class destination for sea kayaking, with Pukaskwa National Park and surroundings boasting over 200 kilometers of wilderness coastline. Similarly, Georgian Bay is a sea kayaker’s dream with 30,000 islands to explore. History comes alive on canoe tripping rivers like the Missinaibi and French. The powerful Ottawa River has been a training ground for the world’s best whitewater paddlers—with exciting opportunities for whitewater rafting, too. Finally, Killarney, Quetico, Algonquin, Wabakimi and more feature incredible lake-to-lake canoe and portage routes that it would take a lifetime to explore. Have we said enough?


a rocky plateau island off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador
Photo: Erik McLean/Unsplash

2 Newfoundland and Labrador

“The Rock” is truly a world apart, rich in cultural heritage and blessed with a unique geography that’s perfect for paddling. Located in eastern Canada, the island of Newfoundland is known for its rugged coastline and maritime traditions, which are best experienced in a sea kayak. Newfoundland’s rugged and remote southwest coast is one of the planet’s finest sea kayak destinations for expert paddlers, while incredible sea caves near the provincial capital of St. John’s make great day paddling for novices and families on guided trips.

Newfoundland canoeing is underappreciated yet equally spectacular, with several free-flowing waterways, including the Main River, offering options for multiday trips in the lush boreal forests and sparse taiga of the island’s interior. Meanwhile, mainland Labrador is a true frontier for long-distance wilderness paddlers.


overhead view of a turquoise river with sandy, forested banks in the Yukon
Photo: Kristina Delp/Unsplash

3 Yukon

Canada’s Yukon Territory offers a wide range of superlative adventures for all types of paddlers. For starters, the Yukon’s namesake river is one of North America’s longest, with a captivating gold rush history revealed in the legacies of Jack London and Robert Service. You don’t need to be an expert to paddle the Yukon River, and guided trips are available for families and novices alike. Some of the river’s headwater lakes make for good kayaking, too.

Countless wild rivers spill off the northern Rockies in the Yukon, including the spectacular Snake and Bonnet Plume rivers, which are bucket list destinations for whitewater canoe trippers. Meanwhile, the Firth and Wind rivers can be navigated by canoe or raft alike, and each offer unique northern landscapes of tundra and mountains. The Yukon is a place where time stands still, and it’s still possible to experience the lands and waters of your dreams.


clouds reflected in water with hills rising from either side in Alaska
Photo: John Thomas/Unsplash

4 Alaska

Just across the border from the Yukon Territory, Alaska features similar attractions and geography—with the addition of coastal fjords and glaciers. In Alaska you’ll find the world’s best wilderness whitewater rafting on the the Tatshenshini and Alsek rivers; incredible canoeing on Wild and Scenic rivers like the Noatak and Kobuk; whitewater creeking around the city of Anchorage and beyond; and incredible sea kayaking amidst the islands and glaciers of Prince William Sound, at the north end of the Inside Passage.


a view of Glacier National Park in Montana
Photo: David Morris/Unsplash

5 Montana

If you’ve watched A River Runs Through It you’ve got a good sense of just how spectacular Montana rivers can be. In particular, the Wild and Scenic Missouri River takes canoeists into the landscape of Lewis and Clark, with austere white rock landforms set between the Great Plains and the foothills. Meanwhile, the Yellowstone, Gallatin, Flathead and Madison rivers all offer outstanding whitewater rafting. Brennan’s Wave on the Clark Fork River offers fantastic freestyle kayaking in the heart of Missoula, one of America’s greatest outdoor cities.


Utah's Green River runs between towering cliffs at sunrise
Photo: Trac Vu/Unsplash

6 Four Corners States

All the Four Corners states of Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico offer a range of experiences for paddlers. The magnificent Colorado River lives up to its reputation as a bucket list destination for whitewater rafting and kayaking. The Green River in Utah offers exposure to similar geology and arid landscapes, yet includes flatwater sections suitable for sea kayakers and canoeists. Meanwhile, you’ll find plenty of shoreline to explore on Lake Mead. Colorado is known for its expert-only class V Front Range rivers, and Arizona is home to numerous lakes and rivers for recreational paddling.


overhead view of a Boundary Waters campsite in Minnesota
Photo: Joe Pohle/Unsplash

7 Minnesota

There’s a lot of beautiful paddling in Minnesota. For starters, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area is the most popular canoe tripping destination in the world—for good reason. This 1.1-million-acre wilderness contains thousands of miles of canoe routes and connects to Ontario’s Quetico Provincial Park.

Minnesota also marks the headwaters of the Mississippi River, and the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul offer some of America’s best urban canoeing and kayaking, living up to the state’s moniker as the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Northeastern Minnesota pushes up against Lake Superior, and communities like Duluth and Grand Marais provide access to world-class sea kayaking on an inland sea.


a view of the Maine coast
Photo: Miro Vrlik/Unsplash

8 Maine

Legendary American nature writer Henry David Thoreau celebrated canoeing in Maine’s North Woods. Not much has changed along the canoe routes of the Allagash and Penobscot rivers in the century and a half since Thoreau traced these waters with Indigenous guides. Maine beckons with pristine forests, tall hills, vast lakes and Wild and Scenic rivers—some of which fall along the epic 740-mile-long Northern Forest Canoe Trail.

The coastline of Acadia National Park tempts expedition sea kayakers with deep bays, countless islands and rugged bedrock coastline to explore. From easy day trips to wilderness sojourns, Maine easily serves up some of the most beautiful paddling in America.


pillars of rock at a beautiful, popular paddling destination in Baja Mexico
Photo: Christopher Kuzman/Unsplash

9 Mexico

Mexico is a place of stark contrasts for paddlers: aquamarine rivers tumble through moist, dense jungles, serving up some of the finest whitewater on the planet; meanwhile, stark desert landscapes, rocky, treeless mountains, and spectacular beaches line the warm azure waters of the Sea of Cortez. It’s hard to imagine better destinations for winter whitewater and sea kayaking to ignite your sense of wonder and keep you sharp in the offseason.

Mexico whitewater kayaking and canoeing is best for expert boaters. Most vacations are based out of small, friendly communities where an adventurous spirit is beneficial for visitors—though some guided packages are available. There’s a huge range of Baja sea kayak trips, including family-friendly and beginner guided tours to more advanced expeditions, including open water crossings and exposed coastlines.


scenic view of water and mountains on a cloudy day in Patagonia
Photo: Andrew Svk/Unsplash

10 Patagonia

Located at the southern tip of South America, the mountain wilderness of Chile and Argentina feature equal parts world-class whitewater and jaw-dropping coastal fjords. As you can imagine, Patagonia is one of the most beautiful places to go paddling—especially when combined with rich and friendly South American culture.

Big rivers like the Futaleufu are renowned proving grounds for the world’s best whitewater paddlers. However, you don’t have to be an expert to go on a Patagonia whitewater rafting trip. Similarly, there are guided sea kayak trips where you can experience the fjords and glaciers of Chile’s Pacific coast up close.


dramatic iceberg in front of rocky cliff in Antarctica
Photo: James Eades/Unsplash

11 Antarctica

The paddling options in Antarctica are limited, yet it still ranks as one of the world’s most beautiful places to paddle for its icebergs, mountains and wildlife-covered shores. Most Antarctica kayak trips are based from adventure cruise ships, where guides and naturalists will take you out on the Southern Ocean for close encounters with otherworldly seascapes. Short, all-inclusive tours make these experiences of a lifetime available to novice kayakers.


scenic view of the Scottish highlands
Photo: Murilo Gomes/Unsplash

12 Scotland

With a mind-blowing coastline of islands and tide-washed channels on the North Sea, Scotland is a proven ground for expert sea kayakers. Places like the Isle of Skye and the Hebrides are world-renowned for outstanding scenery and challenging paddling conditions, with plenty of routes for day trips and overnight expeditions. The Scottish Highlands make for great canoeing, too, with tall peaks and harsh landscapes setting the backdrop for excellent paddling on rivers and lakes.

Blue waters and yellow hills in New Zealand
Feature photo: Benjamin Kraus/Unsplash

13 New Zealand

New Zealand routinely tops the list of most beautiful adventure destinations in the world, so it makes sense the country would also feature fantastic paddling. Abel Tasman National Park, located at the north end of the South Island, showcases New Zealand’s best kayaking, with expansive beaches, incredible coastlines and impressive biodiversity—even blue penguins. The area’s well-developed ecotourism industry includes guided tour operators, outfitters and water taxis to allow paddlers of all levels the opportunity to customize their own kayak trips, ranging from hours to days on the water.

What’s more, there are a multitude of whitewater rafting and kayaking options available on both the North and South Islands. Crystal clear, wild waterways like the Tongariro and Wairoa rivers cascade from New Zealand’s mountainous interior. Indigenous people coordinate much of New Zealand’s tourism and conservation, and efforts of the Maori community led to the Whanganui River being granted legal “personhood” in 2017.


overhead view of a rushing river surrounded by dense forest in Sweden
Photo: Henrik Morkel/Unsplash

14 Sweden

Scandinavia includes some of the world’s most beautiful places to paddle, with Sweden offering a huge variety. For starters, the Swedish backcountry offers multitudes of canoe routes amidst a classic landscape of lakes, rivers and boreal forest. The country also boasts plenty of coastline, and the Baltic Sea near Stockholm provides thousands of islands to explore by sea kayak. Come summer, the whole country basks beneath the midnight sun. Great public access to wilderness areas makes it easy to plan the paddling trip of a lifetime in Sweden.

beautiful view of turquoise waters and dramatic rocky shoreline in Portugal
Photo: Tristan Mimet/Unsplash

15 Portugal

Of Mediterranean paddling destinations, Portugal offers the greatest diversity of trips by kayak or canoe. The historic Douro and Mondego rivers flow peacefully through sweeping pastoral landscapes, complete with ancient vineyards and historic farms. Combined with a pleasant climate and friendly people, there’s no better place to paddle into Old World culture.


Feature photo: Benjamin Kraus/Unsplash


Astral Unveils High-Float Indus Line Of PFDs (Video)

How does Astral evolve on the success of the long-running GreenJacket? By pouring over a decade of development into a freestyle-inspired high-float PFD built for the rigors of big volume rivers. Meet the all-new Indus line of life jackets.

“People are running rivers at higher flows than ever before. As a brand that makes gear to promote calm confidence in extreme places, it’s obvious that more buoyancy was needed in case of a swim. The obstacle has been how to do it in a manner that doesn’t interfere with your body’s natural biomechanics,” explains Philip Curry, founder and CEO of Astral, on the launch of the new Indus.

“The answer is our signature Foam Tectonics architecture that allows the various foam panels to work independently of each other.”

Astral Indus PFD
Astral Indus PFD. Image: Astral

The Indus features 22 pounds of buoyancy built into a design  prioritizing full mobility and performance. This is a 33 percent increase from the GreenJacket. The reason? Float higher and increase the chance of survival on a high volume river. It’s a PFD geared toward whitewater athletes, guides and swiftwater professionals. In short, river users who place a high value on a crafted blend of buoyancy and the mobility of a low-profile life jacket.

The Indus also features many of the elements Astral is known to include for serious river running, such as reinforced shoulder straps and a quick-release belt. GreenJacket fans will notice the Indus does not have a clamshell pocket. This was a move to slim down the profile of the jacket.

We had a chance to get a sneak peek at the Astral Indus PFD at Canoecopia 2024. You can also learn more about the Indus by visiting Astral.

U.S. Whitewater Olympic Trials Streaming On Peacock

Evy Leibfarth on the Montgomery course set to host U.S. Olympic Team Trials.
Evy Leibfarth on the Montgomery course set to host U.S. Olympic Team Trials. Feature Image: Montgomery Whitewater Park

American whitewater slalom and kayak cross athletes seeking a berth to compete in this summer’s Paris Games will take center stage on April 13, when the Olympic Trials stream on Peacock.

The whitewater trials are part of NBC’s Making Team USA Presented by Nissan, a campaign to air over 200 hours, including 35 of prime time coverage on NBC, showcasing the road for U.S. athletes to qualify for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games.

“All the drama we love about the Olympics begins with Making Team USA, when our nation’s best athletes vie to make the most competitive team in the world. In some events, it’s harder to qualify for the U.S. team than it is to win a medal at the Olympics themselves,” shares Molly Solomon, Executive Producer & President of NBC Olympics Production.

Evy Leibfarth on the Montgomery course set to host U.S. Olympic Team Trials.
Evy Leibfarth on the Montgomery course set to host U.S. Olympic Team Trials. Feature Image: Montgomery Whitewater Park

Catch The U.S. Whitewater Team Trials

The U.S. canoe and kayak whitewater team trials will take place in two stages. The first leg will kick off this weekend at the recently opened whitewater park in Montgomery, Alabama on April 13 and 14, with live coverage streaming on Peacock starting at 10:00 am ET each day.

The second part of the trials unfold later this month at Riversport Rapids in Oklahoma City on April 26 and 27. Live coverage will air on Peacock also starting at 10:00 am ET each day.

This year, canoe slalom will share the whitewater course with kayak cross, the fresh event making its Olympic debut in Paris. The promise of kayak cross is an exciting, head-to-head race in creek boats, engaging to both spectators and whitewater enthusiasts.

Team USA has a rich history in slalom, but haven’t won an Olympic medal since Rebecca Giddens took silver in the women’s kayak in 2004.

This year, attention will be on phenom Evy Leibfarth, a strong contender on the women’s side, but first she will have to put on a display in Montgomery and Oklahoma City to claim her place at the Paris starting gate. So whether you are at home or hanging at the takeout, pull up the Peacock app and tune in for Olympic whitewater action.

Dates and Coverage for the 2024 U.S. Canoe Slalom Team Trials (Eastern Time)

Saturday, April 13: Canoe Slalom Canoe Slalom Runs Peacock 10 a.m.-12 p.m.; 1-3 p.m.
Sunday, April 14: Canoe Slalom Canoe Slalom Runs Peacock 10 a.m.-12 p.m.; 1-3 p.m.
Friday, April 26: Canoe Slalom Canoe Slalom Runs Peacock 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 27: Canoe Slalom Canoe Slalom Runs Peacock 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Kayak Cross Finals Peacock 5:30-8 p.m.


Beyond The Salish

It’s not often a sea kayaking video opens with a viewer discretion warning. Then again, it’s rare to encounter a paddling film so brutally raw and with scenes so haunting they’ll keep you up at night. Vancouver-based filmmaker Richard Chen’s Beyond the Salish tells the story of a sea kayak expedition that nearly ended in tragedy—and will certainly provoke plenty of hand-wringing and commentary from audiences at stops on this year’s Paddling Film Festival World Tour.

Beyond the Salish

Chen was introduced to sea kayaking by his friend, fellow 24-year-old Vancouverite William Chong. Chong was looking for a partner in paddling adventures, having previously kayaked solo from Prince Rupert to Klemtu along the Inside Passage of British Columbia’s northern coast. The pair spent last summer practicing their skills along the Vancouver waterfront, in preparation for a seven-day trip from Cougar Creek to Tofino on the west coast of Vancouver Island in late September.

“There’s nothing like learning by doing,” Chen says early in the film. “This journey would be my rite of passage.”

Richard Chen and William Chong pose for a photo on their ill-fated trip
Photo: Courtesy Richard Chen and William Chong

From the outset of the film, it’s evident to viewers—if not the paddlers themselves—that Chen and Chong are in over their heads with the 150-kilometer route, most of which is exposed to the open Pacific Ocean. They were challenged by choppy seas and headwinds as they ventured out of sheltered waters on the second day. Chen remarks there were “points when I couldn’t even see Will” in the growing swells. In the moment, he says to the camera that he’s contemplating calling SOS with his phone.

Chong was equally concerned. “Conditions were getting out of hand,” he recalls. “I was worried if Richard could finish the trip.”

Going from bad to worse

The pair were slow to get started on their third day, and they finally hit the water around noon to find rising seas as the tide changed, forcing them a kilometer offshore to avoid breaking waves and shoals.

“As we navigated past the second reef, a rogue wave blindsided my kayak,” says Chen. “I yanked my sprayskirt, bailed out and screamed for Will.”

“For a brief moment, I thought, ‘Why did I decide to go with Richard?’” admits Chong.

From the water, Chen made an SOS call. Amidst surf and exposed rock, the pair struggled for 10 minutes to pump out Chen’s flooded kayak. Their attempts failed and after abandoning the boat, Chong tried to tow his partner out of harm’s way. This effort was also futile, and Chong says he knew he would be in the water soon, too. For the viewer, the panic in the friends’ terse communication, laced with expletives, is haunting.

“My initial reaction watching the footage was something along the lines of, ‘How did we not see this coming?’”

For Chen, the situation was “desperate.” He reached for Chong’s boat just as a “monster wave hit, snatching my glasses and phone.” Chong capsized and was now in the water, too. “At that moment,” says Chen, “it felt like all hope was gone.”

“My initial reaction watching the footage was something along the lines of, ‘How did we not see this coming?’” admits Chen. “Unlike many people who’ve experienced near-death experiences, our experience was self-inflicted, and criticizing us is perfectly valid. We had no business doing the kayak trip on that route with our experience both as a team as well as individuals. I think what’s important to know is that there are always risks to taking any expedition and it’s important to know where the edge of what you’re comfortable with is, and how far you can push yourself beyond your comfort zone. This is the lesson we’ve learned—is to take manageable risks and know when to pull back.”

Rescue comes by chance

In the point-of-view footage of the disaster, viewers can see an aluminum boat bobbing in and out of the background. Commercial fisherman Rick Williams just happened to be boating by, and he tenuously navigated the choppy waters and pulled Chen and Chong from the sea.

“He found us in distress completely coincidentally,” says Chen. “What I felt when I was pulled out of the water was perhaps the biggest relief of my life. I collapsed onto the deck and I couldn’t muster anything else but a ‘thank you’ out of my mouth.”

bow shot of a sea kayak with water damage to photo
Photo: Courtesy Richard Chen and William Chong

“The fact that we came out alive and unscathed is something beyond luck and human comprehension,” adds Chen. “Often filmmakers make the hero’s story a long-winded journey of struggle and failure that in the end leads to success. At the heart of Beyond the Salish is a humbling experience where two young men, optimistic with big dreams, come face to face with the obstacles of a harsh reality.”

Spectacular Northwest Territories presents 2024 World Tour, Paddling Film FestivalBeyond the Salish is an official selection of the 2024 Paddling Film Festival, and available to stream today as part of the Virtual Adventure Program.

Feature photo: Courtesy Richard Chen and William Chong


NRS Unveils Suite Of New Products

Moscow, Idaho — Northwest River Supplies (NRS), the world’s leading supplier of equipment and apparel for water recreation, safety and rescue, proudly announces the launch of its highly anticipated suite of innovative new products, set to revolutionize the outdoor industry and enhance the adventure experience for enthusiasts worldwide.

With a rich history rooted in a passion for rivers and outdoor exploration, NRS continues to push the boundaries of possibility, leading the way with cutting-edge solutions designed to meet the evolving needs of adventurers. The new suite of products showcases NRS’s unwavering commitment to excellence and its dedication to providing customers with the tools they need to embark on unforgettable adventures with confidence. Designed with input from top athletes and outdoor experts, NRS’s new line of paddling gear sets a new standard for comfort, performance and versatility. Each product in the lineup represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship and reliability, meticulously crafted to enhance the paddling experience.

Highlights of the new product suite include:

Life Jackets / Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)

All new PFDs are specifically designed to fit all genders and body types thanks to the new NRS Orbit Fit System. Orbit fit’s flexible pre-curved shape immediately wraps around and embraces the paddler’s torso for a snug, secure fit without having to over tighten. Full PFD line release coming March 12, 2024.

  • Ninja, Ninja OS and Ninja Pro — A fan favorite for years, the Ninja is known for being NRS’s lowest-profile jacket. By concentrating all the flotation into a smaller surface area, the Ninja redefines what freedom of movement means while wearing a life jacket. This year, NRS redesigned the Ninja platform to better fit a range of body types and introduced rescue and touring-specific options.
  • Odyssey — Designed for offshore safety and convenience, the redesigned Odyssey PFD combines an unmatched fit with incredible freedom of movement to enhance the touring and adventure paddler’s experience.
  • Vector — We combined the superior fit of the Orbit Fit System with extensive Class V rescue-specific details to reimagine the performance of a rescue PFD. Built for guides, Search and Rescue professionals and expedition kayakers, the Vector is the lightest, most comfortable rescue vest available.
  • Ambient — A modern take on a classic design, the NRS Ambient PFD combines simplicity and comfort with safety and protection. With the convenience of a front-zip entry and the freedom to swim, paddle and splash, you won’t find a more comfortable recreational jacket than the Ambient.

Fishing Rafts

Building on the release of the Slipstream Fishing Rafts in 2022, NRS continues to evolve its lineup of rafts purpose-built for adventure anglers. Engineered for maximum performance and durability, NRS’s latest fishing raft models feature innovative construction materials and advanced design elements, ensuring unmatched stability, maneuverability and safety on the water, and guaranteeing to enhance the adventure angler’s experience. Full Approach and Slipstream release coming March 26.

  • Approach — Lightweight and easy to transport, the Approach Rafts redefine the limits of where a boat can take you. A combination of smaller tubes and a thick drop stitch insert floor enhances buoyancy, letting the Approach draft in really skinny water. With customizable features and two sizes to choose from, the NRS Approach micro-raft packages open access to headwaters and tighter, more remote waters other boats can’t reach.
  • Slipstream — The NRS award-winning Slipstream hits the 2024 season with next-level updates, including an increased drop stitch floor volume for superior low water drafting, improved storage and enhanced stability and comfort for standing anglers—all in a lighter package.


Leaning on 50 years of boat-building experience, NRS is introducing a line of packrafts that are more durable and will expand the boundaries of the adventurous spirit. Overlapping, heat-welded seams combine with interior taping, to create an incredibly strong mechanical bond for fail-proof air retention. PVC-free, TPU-coated nylon interior and exterior coating provides additional resistance to abrasion. With three unique designs purpose-built for calm, moving and whitewater, there’s a packraft for all levels of paddlers. Full Packraft release coming April 9.

Stand-Up Paddleboards (SUPs)

Whether living in the city, the burbs or the backwoods, NRS inflatable SUPs make getting outside accessible. In 2024, we’re excited to announce that we’re hand-shaping inflatable paddleboards in Idaho and pushing the evolution of SUP to a new level. New NRS boards boast a combination of two innovative construction methods. Integrated Shaping Technology (IST™) makes it possible to purposefully design boards for specific paddling styles while Z/Blend Core™ uses woven, rather than knit, drop stitch to build stiffer, lighter boards. Plus, all boards are backed with an industry-best warranty. Full SUP release coming May 7.

  • Clipper SUP — The Clipper SUP Board is a premium touring board featuring a deliberately shaped nose and tail rocker to balance tracking and maneuverability. Whether you’re challenging headwinds on the Great Lakes or crushing river miles to make camp, the Clipper handles touring and overnight adventures with ease.
  • Clean SUP — The Clean SUP Board turns clean-line dreams into a reality. Featuring a significant continuous tail and nose rocker, the Clean transforms rapids into a paddling playground. Downriver paddlers can choose between two sizes—a shorter playful board or one better designed for multi-day adventures.
  • Also new in 2024: NRS HeronNRS Jukdo and more.

Snooze Pads

Sleeping pad? Check. Seat cushion? Check. Cooler insulation? Check. River float? Check. The Snooze Pad is summer’s best friend. Sleep easy on three different sizes of dual-density foam covered in durable, waterproof TPU-coated nylon. PVC-free and self-inflating for a comfortable night spent under the stars.

Dry Duffels

Home to the legendary Bill’s Bags, NRS is revising its line of dry bags with the new, improved and PVC-free Expedition DriDuffel and High Roll Duffel. The heavy duty UV and wear-resistant Expedition DriDuffel sports RF welded seams that can handle the wear and tear of any outdoor adventure season after season and a TRU® Zip closure that delivers an immersion-ready waterproof seal and a self-repairing toothless “zipper,” making wilderness maintenance a non-issue.

About NRS

100% employee-owned, NRS is the world’s leading supplier of equipment and apparel for water recreation, safety and rescue. Founded in 1972 with a vision to create a better kind of company, NRS is dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of its customers, employees and community.